Monday, February 15, 2021

Sobering Thoughts - Suicide of the West

In our household, we are observing the eve of the Lunar New Year, eating kosher Chinese specialties you will not find in any restaurant. But I would be remiss if I did not share with you analysis from several sobering articles I read today. The first is Lee Smith’s piece “The Thirty Tyrants” in Tablet Magazine:

The reference is to the Peloponnesian War between democratic Athens and militaristic Sparta. Their roles are echoed today by America and China. It seems conceivable that the ongoing pandemic and the stolen election constitute two prongs of the most deadly war ever made by a foreign power upon America. Smith recounts the extensive list of Americans who betrayed this country. It goes without saying that America meekly accepts the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of its citizens, and the subversion of its constitution.

Scholar John McWhorter wrote “The Neoracists” in Persuasion:

This is an excerpt from his new book, “The Elect: Neoracists Posing as Antiracists and their Threat to a Progressive America”. He properly identifies critical race theory, social justice, and the like as a religion. The old saying applies here: You can’t reason a man out of a position he never reasoned himself into.

At American Thinker today, J. B. Shurk wrote “American Police State: No Questions Allowed”:

The simple act of asking questions “Why?” and “How do you know that to be true?” is itself heretical. One is expected to accept every pronouncement of the media and the permanent bureaucracy. Science, a once noble enterprise, has devolved into “THE science”.

The last two essays are exceptionally important and alarming, forecasting a long-term decline in human mental capacity. One is by scholar David Solway in PJ Media, on “The Decline of Intelligence in the West”:

The other is by E. Jeffrey Ludwig in American Thinker, on “The American Flight from Freedom and Mental Health”, a review of Zbigniew Janowski’s book “Homo Americanus”:

Solway brings forth evidence of a broad decline in IQ, above and beyond the usual potshots of ignorance hurled at political opponents. No, this is a real decline for society, says Solway. He explores several hypothetical explanations, except one I favor: the increasing prevalence in our water supply of excreted estrogen (from contraceptives) and psychotropic drugs. It is also possible that productivity software, like word processors and spreadsheets, give the illusion of competence to otherwise dull people, who then end up getting promoted beyond their capacity.

It is hard to imagine anything more disturbing than Solway’s essay, but Ludwig’s essay is. Allow me to quote from it (emphasis mine). While reading this excerpt, think about the hysterical phony climate crisis, the hysterical phony racism crisis, and the hysterical opposition to treating coronavirus with hydroxychloroquine.

“The author deals with the works of [Dostoevsky, Huxley, and Fromm,] and shows how they dovetail to prove Fromm’s vision that we have indeed turned toward mass schizophrenia.  He states, “Observing the behavior of millions of Americans, fifty years after what Fromm predicted would happen, one cannot resist the feeling that we are living in a society which displays all the symptoms of low-grade schizophrenic behavior.”  …these three writers from such different cultural and intellectual contexts all understand that mind control and different pathologies occur nowadays that threaten human freedom.  …[the author] enlists these great minds of literature and psychology to reveal that rationality, responsibility, and freedom from intense manipulation by the “authorities” are part and parcel of that freedom.  Political freedom hundreds of years ago meant “get out of my private life” and more importantly now also means “get out of our minds,” both subliminally and in terms of enforced social and governmental pressures.

This book is a call for a return to reason, common sense, decency, Jewish and Christian values, mental health, and truly liberal ideals based on ideas from many of the greatest thinkers from Plato to the present.  The morbid turn of our society toward collective schizophrenia and mind control is made with no punches pulled.  Prof. Janowski is a voice of hope challenging us all to remain on a healthier and more reasonable path than the one we seem to be on at present.”

I do not see any evidence that most people have any desire to be on a healthier and more reasonable path than the one we seem to be on at present. I seek shelter from an insane mob. The alternative is violence.

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