Thursday, February 4, 2021

Reports Say Adam Schiff Has Been Begging Gavin Newsom For A Job

Adam Schiff apparently doesn’t like his job in Congress that much.  The man, who has been a source of leaks regarding the Russia-investigation and other Democrat-Congress-fabricated scandals throughout the Trump administration, suddenly now appears to not be the biggest fan of his job now that Trump isn’t there to kick around anymore.

Reports are coming out of DC and Sacramento that Schiff has personally lobbied Governor Gavin Newsom to become California’s next Attorney General.  The position, which would be the third appointment for Newsom since the election, would follow the appointments Gavin Newsom has made by appointing Alex Padilla to the Senatorial seat vacated by now-Vice-President Kamala Harris and Shirley Weber to the Secretary of State position vacated by Padilla when he became Senator.  The soon-to-be-vacated Attorney General’s seat is held by Xavier Becerra, who is leaving to accept a position with the Biden Administration.

Schiff has even gone as far as to recruit Gavin’s aunt Nancy, that is Nancy Pelosi, to advocate on the pencil-neck’s behalf regarding Schiff’s appointment to the AG spot.

From The Hill:

Pelosi and her allies in California politics have urged Newsom to pick Schiff, a House Democrat who served as an impeachment manager during former President Trump’s first Senate trial, who has little in the way of a personal relationship with Newsom, according to The Associated Press, citing a person close to Newsom.

Other people in the mix reportedly include Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg (D), Contra Costa District Attorney Diana Becton and Rick Zbur, head of the LGBTQ rights group Equality California.

The problem with California Democrats is that they see the Attorney General’s office as a policy development office and not one of a policy enforcement office.  To them, this is just another means of control, but determining not only what laws will and will not be enforced but also a means of developing extra-legislative policy that can be enforced by the new AG at will.

“We hope that happens sooner – I certainly do – [rather] than later,” Newsom said Wednesday of Becerra’s confirmation.

The powerful attorney general position has historically been a springboard for higher state and federal office. Harris herself held it from 2010 to 2016 before her election to the Senate, while Newsom’s predecessor, Jerry Brown (D), held the position from 2007 to 2011 before ascending to governor.

Schiff’s own interest in the position is unclear. During the Trump presidency, the 11-term congressman became one of the administration’s highest-profile antagonists, including his spearheading of impeachment hearings in 2019.

So basically, even the Democrats admit that the only qualification that Schiff has is playing team captain of Team Orange Man Bad. The ironic part about it is that Schiff is only in Congress in the first place because he was the means by which Democrats “punished” then-Congressman and all-around-great-guy James Rogan, for being involved in the impeachment hearings of President Clinton.

My own personal experience with Schiff (after having worked in legislative offices that overlapped his district) and having grown up in that area, shows that he is a complete stooge when it comes to most things.  I have never been impressed by him, unlike Alex Padilla, whom I can say I disagree with wholeheartedly but find him to be a decent guy.  Schiff has always been a yes-man to the party and has a spine of jello.  His appointment to AG would not only be an insult to those who have previously held the office, including Kamala Harris but would be a travesty as he has virtually zero experience that justifies his being Attorney General.

Let’s hope, that at least in one thing, Gavin Newsom has better judgment.

Reports Say Adam Schiff Has Been Begging Gavin Newsom For A Job (

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