They’re so melodramatic:

Right? Because dictators always cut taxes, broker peace in the Middle East, and create thriving economies that set records for low minority unemployment.

Shew! Thank goodness Amy and the rest saved us from that evil man who wanted us to be free.

*all the eyerolls*

Oh, we get it, she’s playing the insurrection card (thanks dipsticks who stormed the Capitol) but give us a freakin’ break.

Ooooh. See, that’s what we thought too. If Trump were truly a dictator he wouldn’t be leaving the White House and there most definitely would not be people like Amy babbling online that they toppled him.

No one ever accused the Left of being the brightest crayons in the box.

‘Too stupid to insult’: Amy Siskind claiming they literally ‘TOPPLED A DICTATOR’ does not end well for her, like at all –