Saturday, November 21, 2020

Sidney Powell: “We’ve Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them — 7 Million Votes Stolen from Trump! (AUDIO)

 Sidney Powell joined Howie Carr on Friday for a lengthy interview on the 2020 election and where the Trump defense team stands today.

During the explosive interview Sidney claimed millions of dead people (also known as Democrats) may have voted this year and 7 million votes were likely stolen from President Trump.

If true, that would mean President Trump received over 80 million votes and nearly twenty million more than 2016. President Trump’s total currently stands at 73,750,000 votes.

More from Sidney Powell:

** There are many smoking guns and we are going to need federal protection for many people
** 3 million dead people voted
** A lot of the evidence of fraud is coming out next week. We have more evidence coming in every day. It only gets worse and worse.
** The fraud was very widespread, very deliberate and very well funded.
** Everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it.
** I think the fraud went much further than just President Trump. I think they did it to John James and others.
** We have data out of California in 2016 that Hillary Clinton did it to Bernie Sanders there.
** We have a number of smoking guns and we may have to get witness protection for them.
** We have a lot of evidence, it’s beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying.
** These are federal court lawsuits. They’re paramount to any future life of our republic.
** We ‘ve got evidence of people being paid. We got check studs from people being paid.

Here is the full interview.

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Old Democrat Video PROVES Conservatives WERE RIGHT About LGB Slippery Slope

  This video is thanks to Ricepaddydaddy!