Friday, November 20, 2020

John Kerry Talks ‘Great Reset’: ‘We’re at the Dawn of Extremely Exciting Time’


Democratic presidential candidate former U.S. Vice president Joe Biden (L) campaigns with former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (R) December 6, 2019 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Kerry announced his endorsement of Biden yesterday with the Iowa caucuses less than two months away. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Global political elites like European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and former Secretary of State John Kerry view Democrat Joe Biden as a driver of World Economic Forum’s “The Great Reset” mission that seeks major transformation of the world’s economy.

In a panel discussion by the World Economic Forum, Kerry said Biden is ready to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement — which threatens to eliminate more than a million American jobs — and be a driver of the”Great Reset” whereby unelected global bureaucrats are looking to alter the world’s economy by abolishing money, private property, and democracy for the sake of a “New World Order,” according to James Delingpole.

“The notion of a reset is more important than ever before,” Kerry said. “I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”

Kerry said the U.S. rejoining the job-killing, industry-gutting Parish Climate Agreement is “not enough.”

“I know Joe Biden believes this. It’s not enough just to rejoin [the Paris Climate Agreement] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to do just the minimum of what [the agreement] requires,” Kerry said. He went on:

The Biden administration will focus on every sector of the American economy. There will be a 2035 goal to achieve net neutrality with respect to power and production … we’re ready to come back in and help to lead and raise the ambition in Glasgow to accelerate this incredible capacity for a transformation in the private sector.

Von der Leyen said the European Commission looks forward to Biden rejoining the U.S. to the Paris Climate Agreement, calling the former vice president “President-Elect” and a “friend in the White House.”

Part of this new cooperation between a Biden White House and the European Commission, according to von der Leyen, includes writing “a new rulebook for the digital economy and the digital society.” She said:

So, covering everything from data to infrastructure, but also talking about security and democracy, technology to fair taxation — all of these are topics are on the table with digital change. So ladies and gentlemen, the need for global cooperation and this acceleration of change will both be drivers of the Great Reset. And I see this as an unprecedented opportunity.

It’s good to have a friend in the White House. We should not forget what kind of strength we can develop … we need a new agenda and of course, we will have to start with the most pressing issue which is COVID-19 … the second big topic is climate change, fighting climate change … the third topic is the tech topic.

Biden already adopted the World Economic Forum’s “Build Back Better” slogan used for the Great Reset by using the phrase on the campaign trail this year.

Kerry also admitted that the rise of the nationalist-populist movement around the world is “a reflection of the inability of democratic governments in many parts of the world to deliver” on issues facing their citizens.

“What astounds me is that as many people still voted for the level of chaos and breach of law and order and breaking the standards and … I think that, the underlying reason for that is something that everybody has to examine,” Kerry said of the more than 71 million Americans who voted for Trump in the November 3 presidential election.

“I think Europe has to look at that with Brexit and the rising national populism — nationalistic populism. Which is really one of the priorities that we all have to address. You can’t dismiss it,” Kerry said.

The establishment media will play a role in the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum suggests. New York Times columnist Ben Smith said the media sees themselves as rule-makers where they set the national agenda — not Americans.

“I think in this election you saw major media outlets just much more careful about picking up, for instance, these stories about Hunter Biden just because they were on the internet in a way that Wikileaks came to dominate the campaign last cycle,” Smith said.

“I think that you’re seeing the mainstream media institutions become a bit more confident in trying to set the national agenda, trying to establish priorities that they think are the priorities rather than simply reacting to what’s happening on social media,” Smith continued.

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