Trump coup attempt

Funding from CCP to ActBlue/Democrat Party, its Presidential candidate, BLM, Antifa and DSA have converged in a violent plot to take over America

Back in June, we connected the dots proving millions of dollars flooding into Black Lives Matter from enemy governments and corporations were directed through ActBlue, the money laundering operation of the DNC (Democrat National Committee).

We uncovered the Democrat Socialists of America operating openly within the U.S. Government – and working against it.

We exposed the Biden Crime Family and the CCP’s direct financial control of the man who polls still say will rule of America within days.

And there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that George Soros finances and directs the Fascist wing of the Democrat Party committing violence on its behalf (Antifa) – as it’s public information.

But suppose all of these groups planned to close in on America’s capitol city and Trump supporters – in a violent attack after the election?


That’s what’s going on in the picture above.  It’s a Zoom call between CCP operatives and elements, plotting to seize government buildings – including The White House – on November 5th, in a coordinated coup using the government employees who work in them as front-line soldier/pawns.

Watch Episode 465 of Steve Bannon’s War Room and you’ll hear them plotting the coup – openly while at their government jobs – meaning they must have powerful folks giving them the nod and backing.

Watch from 33 minutes

Who within Government would plot such a coup?

The better question, given the FBI/CIA Russia Hoax, a false impeachment plot against Trump, a plot by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to overthrow the President using Russian spies, and the existence of the Democrat Socialist Party holding an overwhelming number of jobs within the U.S. Government – who isn’t part of the plot, might be the better question, no?

The coup will not need to take over the Capitol building where Congress meets, as the CCP already controls it from all evidence available – and Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, has encouraged the riots still plaguing America, saying that she is surprised they’re not in every city (instead of just those under her party’s Socialist rule).The disgraced Hillary Clinton has clearly endorsed this plot in her now infamous order that Sleepy Joe Biden never yield to President Trump – even if he wins the election. Don’t believe me?

For those like me who cannot stand to watch this condescending – choose your own term for Hillary – here’s what she said:

“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is.”

That is what Clinton said in an interview with her former communications director Jennifer Palmieri for Showtime’s “The Circus.”

They’ve instituted ballot fraud, nationwide, especially in Blue States where the Democrats printed ‘mail-in ballots’ – and as of this morning, 50 million of them are floating around being found in trash cans, ditches, dumpsters (filled out in many cases for Donald Trump) – or just plain missing.

“Turn out” for mail-in ballots seems to be especially brisk among the dead.

So, what’s being done about it?

The Secret Service is on to it now that the Zoom calls have been made public – thanks to Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec – rather than the FBI and DOJ hacks whose job it is to sniff out and stop such plots. They didn’t.

I have suspicions that some of the FBI and DOJ traitors are in on it, in fact.

The plot includes military style action, blocking access routes to the White House to cut it off, while actual Government employees enter the buildings in which they work and literally take them over ‘by any means necessary’.

They have interactive maps of all the government buildings – including the White House – and zero compunction about using violence to achieve their goal, which is taking over the U.S. Government for the foreign government funding them.

Jack Posobiec, former naval intelligence officer now working for OANN (One America News Network) hacked the Zoom code and accessed the interactive map and calls plotting all of this.

One of the Anarchist leaders (of Occupy Wall Street fame) boasts on the Zoom call she is leading, “We want there to be a social crisis, but a crisis that we create. Whoever’s got the guns can win.”

Got that? And that’s why she and her Marxists want our guns.

Thanks to Jack Posociec, the map plan is available on War Room Episode 465 so the hacks at FBI and DOJ won’t have to leave their day jobs working against the president to actually do what they were hired to do – protect the American people from its enemies “both foreign and domestic.”

“The Tactical plan,” written beside the map, “included drawing a circle around the target and dividing it up into pie slices.  Affinity Groups [BLM, Antifa, DSA government sleepers and other CCP funded anti-American groups] adopted different slices and then clustered together for effective human barricades. Two marches, one from the north and the other the south marched in thousands more to add number to the barricades!”

What are the ‘targets’ you ask?  Every Republican related operation or Trump donor – and they’ve got all our addresses – thanks to the FEC

Trump Donor addresses and a map of where we live was supplied to DonaldTrump.Watch by the Deep State activists within the FEC (Federal Election Commission) – which we exposed on Thursday. 

Though just two days ago when I started this article, DonaldTrump.Watch has been taken down, but I thankfully grabbed this screen shot above, after checking my own name – and finding not only was I targeted, but many other members of the Woltz family as well.

“Americans That Give Money to Support a Racist,” the DonaldTrump.Watch site falsely stated – and recommended our homes and families be attacked for supporting the least racist president in American history.

So, this just got very personal for me

I’m to be attacked for 69 separate donations to the Trump campaign since mid 2016 – hey, I like the guy and what he’s done – but thought that information was between me and the president, not CCP puppets and thugs in the U.S. Government trying to take down my home nation from within it.

This quickly prompted a public exposé, a notice to all my family members who support the president that we and our homes were targeted for attack – and a complaint to the FEC and our Congressional representatives.

When you type in DonaldTrump.Watch you’re now taken to which makes it appear that it is not only targeting Trump supporters – but it still works the same.

The main difference seems to be that the Woltz family name has been removed.

Unfortunately, the CCP operatives planning the violence this coming week already have the database.

That includes our home addresses and the interactive Google maps which will be used to target Trump donors and supporters for attack.

Thanks Google.  You’re next.

Is it too late already?

My family is good.  They’re better armed and trained than some armies – but what about the president?  Who can he trust?

Not the FBI. They aided the Democrats in every way to take him down.

The DOJ? Forget about it. They’re so far in the tank for their soon-to-be Masters of the CCP, that they sat on evidence of criminal conduct by their candidate Joe Biden, for nine months.

How do I know that?

Because they’ve had Hunter Biden’s laptop proving both his and his father’s criminal conduct (and bribes from America’s enemy #1 – the CCP) for nine months – and said nothing.  That’s right – nothing – until exposed this week.

Just today, we made enquiries and learned that The White House is not only aware of the plot, they have moved the perimeter around the building out farther than at any previous time since our last Civil War.

The coup plotters will need more Marxist foot soldiers – and a new plan – as well as being willing to die for their cause, as that’s what will now happen.

On the Zoom calls they say their operatives will meet and order Senators and Congressmen to turn around when arriving in Washington from their home districts at Union Station and the DC airports.

They planned to tell them they’ve taken over the People’s City – ordering them all to return home until further notice – from the new government.

Instead of our elected representatives fleeing – which many of the wimps might do – those who threaten them will now be arrested and imprisoned on charges of terrorism.

The Secret Service will remain as the front lines for President Trump – with a greatly expanded perimeter – and according to respected sources, they will remain loyal to this President to the death. 

And now that I’m exposed as one of Trump’s most loyal supporters (and most frequent donors) I can tell you that the extravaganza which folks like me would be attending at the Trump Hotel in Washington next week – was just cancelled an hour or so ago.

No party at the Trump Hotel or anywhere else except a small gathering at the White House on election night.

Why? Because war is coming – and we intend to win it.

This coup was not caught by the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Department of Homeland Security or any other government agency charged with that responsibility.

Instead, it was discovered by fuzzy honey badger, Steve Bannon, and Jack Pocobiec, a One America News journalist and a Mandarin speaking Navy intel guy who knows more about the CCP than the hapless hacks at the CIA ever did or will.

Thanks to these Patriots, America will be saved. I hope then that the President will declare all of these CCP-funded coup organisations as the terrorists they are and offer a bounty for their capture.

Then we can take down these illegal agencies that work so hard against my home nation – and are forbidden by its Constitution – so this never happens again.