Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Christian case for Trump


The world spends a lot of effort persuading people that evil is really something good: the killing of babies in the womb, engaging in sexual perversion, confiscating of what belongs to someone to give to someone it doesn’t belong to. These are all evil acts -- unless you ask the worldly.

But the Evil One is even more insidious. He also ironically manipulates good people’s fear of embracing evil. A handful of Christian friends, among those who receive a weekly Bible study I write, have announced they cannot vote for Donald Trump. Their bottom-line objection is that a Christian shouldn’t vote for such an unpleasant, some say, despicable person.

The irony of their self-righteousness apparently is lost on these friends. I confess to having similar reservations four years ago. But as the election neared, I decided that impetuousness and obnoxiousness were a better bet than a proven criminal who would unashamedly advance outright evil, such as baby killing. Time has shown that I gambled right.

Donald Trump has done more for the cause of life, for religious liberty, for improved economic conditions of people of all races, for law and order, for ratcheting down overbearing government, for easing tax and regulation burdens and a host of other good things than any president in my lifetime. Even Ronald Reagan.

It’s understandable that people are put off by the prospect of having to choose “the lesser evil.” But that’s the wrong way to frame the choices.

Every candidate falls short of the glory of God. The choice is, and always is, which candidate will do more good. That choice in November is obvious, especially given Trump’s track record and the threatening promises of his opponent to renew Barack Obama’s destructive transformation of America.

For my Christian brethren, who are considering voting for Trump’s opponent or not voting at all, I add to my prayers this reminder. Throughout history God has used people to do great things even to be His own disciples whom the self-righteous wouldn’t have chosen. As the apostle wrote:

“For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.  But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;  God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are,  so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.” (1 Corinthian 1:26-29)

If that is not sufficient reminder, consider the roster of the Christian faith hall of fame, as it were, as enumerated in Hebrews 11:32.  Christian author Gary DeMar reminds us this is a list of bad guys that probably no political party would have nominated for dogcatcher. But God chose them. 

  • Gideon (an idolater)
  • Barak (a coward)
  • Samson (a womanizer far worse than JFK and Bill Clinton)
  • Jephthah (son of a prostitute, who “lived with a gang of scoundrels,” and made a reckless vow that cost his daughter her life)
  • Samuel (a terrible father who raised evil sons)
  • David (an adulterer and murderer)

As has been the case for several election cycles now, this vote comes at a pivotal time for the nation. Americans have clear-cut alternatives: big, invasive, dictating government that will advance actual evil, (see their party’s platform). Or, voters can choose a continuation of the liberties and blessings delivered by a too-often abrasive and obnoxious president, who already has shown what great good he can deliver.

Donald Trump is a fallen sinner like Gideon, David, Samuel and the rest of us. But his track record is proof that he is clearly the better choice. This should be clear even for those of us inhibited by self-righteousness.

As one of my favorite Bible study leaders frequently reminds us, “Get over it. Do the right thing.”

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