Friday, May 1, 2020

Neighbor sends nasty ‘stay at home’ note to woman who leaves the house. Turns out woman is a 911 dispatcher.

A Colorado 911 dispatcher received a message from one of her neighbors: Stay at home during the coronavirus pandemic.

What are the details?

Jefferson County 911 dispatcher Heather Silchia discovered the message under her vehicle's windshield wiper. 

The missive read, "PLEASE STAY HOME. I noticed a few days a week you leave home with your baby and return a short time later without it.

Uncalled for

Then I see the man of the house arrive with the baby later in the afternoon while your vehicle hasn't moved all day. This leads me to believe that the kid is in daycare."

The letter continued, "Stop. I am assuming that man has an essential job since he is gone all day but if you are home there is no reason for your child to be in daycare at a time like this. I also see you leave shortly after your husband (I assume) gets home.

You aren't wearing any sort of uniform and I have never seen you wear a mask. Bars are closed and you couldn't possibly be getting groceries every night (which would also require you to wear a mask) so I again ask you to please stay home."

if that weren't bad enough, the unidentified neighbor then went on to tell Silchia how to parent her older children.

"Also, do everyone in the neighborhood a favor and keep your older kids inside," the letter demanded. "They are loud. Help do your part in keeping our town safe and STOP LEAVING YOUR HOME."

The letter was signed "all your neighbors."

According to KDVR-TV, Silchia works the graveyard shift for Jefferson County.
She told the station, "If somebody's having a bad day, and they're taking it out on you, just be kind, and that's something I have to do every day in my job. Even though we just answer the phone and we don't respond to the call ourselves, we are the first to respond to people's cry for help."

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