Saturday, May 2, 2020

Guess Who the NYT Wants to Investigate Tara Reade's Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden

Guess Who the NYT Wants to Investigate Tara Reade's Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden

The New York Times on Friday penned an editorial calling on the Democratic National Committee to investigate Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations made against former Vice President Joe Biden. 
The editorial board made the case that the DNC had an obligation to look into the allegations because Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee.
As is so often the case in such situations, it is all but impossible to be certain of the truth. But the stakes are too high to let the matter fester — or leave it to be investigated by and adjudicated in the media. Mr. Biden is seeking the nation’s highest office.
According to the editorial board, Biden agreeing to let the Secretary of the Senate release documents, it's "a start, but does not go far enough." They believe that the records at the University of Delaware should be unsealed. As it currently sits, the files are sealed until Biden retires from "public life," whatever that means.
The former vice president has repeatedly denied the allegations, but the NYT believes that's not enough. Instead, the editorial board believes the DNC should put together an "unbiased, apolitical panel" to investigate Reade's allegations.
While understandable, this concern is not prohibitive — and Mr. Biden’s word is insufficient to dispel the cloud. Any inventory should be strictly limited to information about Ms. Reade and conducted by an unbiased, apolitical panel, put together by the D.N.C. and chosen to foster as much trust in its findings as possible. Admittedly, this would be a major undertaking. Mr. Biden served 36 years in the Senate. He turned over nearly 2,000 boxes and more than 400 gigabytes of data to the University of Delaware; most of it has not been cataloged. But the question at hand is no less than Mr. Biden’s fitness for the presidency. No relevant memo should be left unexamined.
It's amazing that the New York Times is suddenly going to call for an investigation into Reade's allegations. It's probably because conservatives have continually slammed the mainstream media – especially those who are partial to Biden – for not even mentioning the allegations. 
This editorial board, however, is delusional if they believe the DNC will give Tara Reade a fair shake. They've done everything to cover for Biden since he announced his campaign last year. They ignore the dozens of times he's conveniently "forgot" important information, like what office he's running for, what state he's in or even how many grandkids he has.

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