Friday, May 1, 2020

CNN Fails to Challenge Pelosi Claim Her 100% Democrat Panel Is 'Bipartisan'

What could be more "bipartisan" than a Pelosi-appointed panel that excludes all Republicans and includes rabid, Trump-hating Democrats?

On CNN's New Day this morning, co-host Alisyn Camerota asked Nancy Pelosi about an "oversight" panel she has created regarding the coronavirus bailout funds. Camerota asked, "Are there any Republicans on the committee?"
Here's the full exchange: 

New Day
8:45 am EDT
ALISYN CAMEROTA: You have set up a coronavirus oversight panel to figure out how these trillions of dollars will be spent. Your Republican colleagues seem wary of this panel. They think it's a setup of some kind. Impeachment 2.0, some have called it. Are there any Republicans on the committee? What do you say to them to assuage their fears about this?
NANCY PELOSI: Well, the appointments that I made to the committee are, I think, create a chemistry of working in a bipartisan way. Our distinguished chairman, Mr. Clyburn, has a record if his state of South Carolina of doing these oversight-kind of activities under Democratic and Republican governors to much acclaim. This is about waste, fraud, abuse, profiteering, price gouging. Where there's money, there's mischief, there's just no question about it. And, again, as we review all of that, to take us to where you began this conversation, how do we get to a place to open up the economy to, again, save lives, but also save livelihoods as we go forward? I’m very proud of it. It is modeled after something Harry Truman did when he was a senator at the beginning of World War II. 
Here's a question for Camerota: why did you need to ask Pelosi if she appointed any Republicans to the panel? It's an open, incontrovertible, fact that Pelosi appointed only Democrats to the panel, including rabid Trump haters like Maxine Waters and Jamie Raskin!

Instead of asking if there were any Republicans on the panel, Camerota should have said something along these lines: "you didn't appoint any Republicans to the panel. Can you blame Republicans for being skeptical about it?" Pelosi gave the most mind-boggling, misleading, answer. Claiming she was "very proud" of how she structured the committee, she said:  

"The appointments I made to the committee are, I think, create a chemistry of working in a bipartisan way. Our distinguished chairman Mr. Clyburn has a record if his state of South Carolina of doing these oversight kind of activities under Democratic and Republican governors to much acclaim."

So, the committee can work in a bipartisan way despite its entirely partisan composition!? Camerota, naturally, never asked the simple follow-up: did you appoint any Republicans to the panel, yes or no? 

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