Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Stacey Abrams Echoes Biden Campaign Talking Points To Attack Rape Accuser Tara Reade

Far-left Democrat Stacey Abrams echoed talking points from the Biden campaign during a CNN interview on Tuesday night to assert that the woman who is accusing Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden of rape is not telling the truth.

Abrams, who is reportedly pushing Democrats behind the scenes to tell Biden that he should select her to be his pick for vice president, told CNN host Don Lemon, who himself has been accused of a sexually charged assault, that she believes that women should be heard and listened to but “those allegations have to be investigated by credible sources.”

“The New York Times did a deep investigation and they found that the accusation was not credible,” Abrams falsely claimed. “I believe Joe Biden. … I know Joe Biden and I think he’s telling the truth and this did not happen.”

The New York Times’ report did not find that “the accusation was not credible.”

Furthermore, Abrams’ remark that the allegation “did not happen” is a verbatim talking point that was reportedly pushed out by the Biden campaign to Democrats who are allies of Biden. BuzzFeed News reported:
“The New York Times did a deep investigation and they found that the accusation was not credible,” Abrams falsely claimed. “I believe Joe Biden. … I know Joe Biden and I think he’s telling the truth and this did not happen.”

The New York Times’ report did not find that “the accusation was not credible.”

Furthermore, Abrams’ remark that the allegation “did not happen” is a verbatim talking point that was reportedly pushed out by the Biden campaign to Democrats who are allies of Biden. BuzzFeed News reported:
Biden’s campaign’s talking points say the Times story served as proof that Reade’s allegation “did not happen” — but the story did not conclude this, nor did it conclude that an assault definitively did happen.

As BuzzFeed notes, one of the talking points that came from the Biden campaign stated:

Biden believes that all women have the right to be heard and to have their claims thoroughly reviewed. In this case, a thorough review by the New York Times has led to the truth: this incident did not happen.

The credibility of The New York Times’ report was significantly damaged when the leftist newspaper appeared to admit that it allowed the Biden campaign to influence its reporting.

Since The New York Times report came out, a 1993 video clip from CNN’s “Larry King Live” and additional reporting from Business Insider has bolstered Reade’s claims against Biden.

Later in the CNN interview on Tuesday night, Lemon asked Abrams, “In 2018, you tweeted it was shameful that Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination was being rushed forward and survivors of violence like Christine Blasey Ford deserve to have their voices heard. Are you applying a different standard now?”

Abrams tweeted: “A Supreme Court hearing is a job interview for one of the most critical roles in our democracy; if there is even a hint of impropriety—let alone the credible allegations bravely brought forward by Dr. Ford—we should pause and thoroughly investigate them, rather than rush forward.”

After the courageous and compelling testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford yesterday, it is shameful that Kavanaugh's nomination is being rushed forward.
After the courageous and compelling testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford yesterday, it is shameful that Kavanaugh's nomination is being rushed forward.

I believe women, and I believe survivors of violence always deserve to be supported and to have their voices heard. 
A Supreme Court hearing is a job interview for one of the most critical roles in our democracy; if there is even a hint of impropriety—let alone the credible allegations bravely brought forward by Dr. Ford—we should pause and thoroughly investigate them, rather than rush forward.
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I believe women, and I believe survivors of violence always deserve to be supported and to have their voices heard. …

A Supreme Court hearing is a job interview for one of the most critical roles in our democracy; if there is even a hint of impropriety—let alone the credible allegations bravely brought forward by Dr. Ford—we should pause and thoroughly investigate them, rather than rush forward.

“Not at all,” Abrams claimed. “I believe then and I believe now that women deserve to be heard because too often they are not.”

“And Tara Reade deserved to have her story listened to and investigated. What was happening to Christine Blasey Ford was that there was no investigation,” Abrams falsely claimed. “There was a rush to move the conversation forward so that no investigation was conducted and, as I said, I believe that there was, those allegations needed to be investigated and I believe that The New York Times and subsequent reports support what the Biden campaign has said and I believe Joe Biden.”

Abram’s claim that there was an investigation into Reade but that there was not investigation into Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is false on both counts.

The FBI investigated the sexual assault allegations made against Kavanaugh. There has not been any investigation into Biden that has been reported on. Reade was investigated by a partisan newspaper that has not endorsed a Republican for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 — 64 years ago.

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