Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Joe Biden Unveils Plans To Strip 2nd Amendment Rights

There are innumerable reasons why Joe Biden should never become president of the United States, and they extend well beyond the fact that he simply doesn’t have the mental capacity to be commander-in-chief.
It’s becoming clear that there are ‘forces’ behind the Biden candidacy who plan to do the governing if he happens to defeat President Donald Trump in November, simply because the former VP in his current mental state isn’t capable of leading.
That would explain why he’s gone from being a ‘moderate’ Democrat to a far-Left presidential contender pushing a radical agenda that includes a bevy of new, restrictive gun laws.
Joe Biden knows that gun violence is a public health epidemic. Almost 40,000 people die as a result of firearm injuries every year in the United States, and many more are wounded. Some of these deaths and injuries are the result of mass shootings that make national headlines. Others are the result of daily acts of gun violence or suicides that may not make national headlines, but are just as devastating to the families and communities left behind.
The brushing aside of ‘suicides’ is purposeful and misleading. In fact, the vast majority of gun deaths in the U.S. year after year are suicides (61-65 percent, on average), a fact that even the hard-Left Harvard Political Review noted in January. “Most Americans are unaware that suicides represent such a high percentage of gun deaths,” the publication noted.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that there are more than 328 million Americans and only about 37 percent of gun deaths are homicides, Biden and his handlers want to impose new gun bans, tracking of gun sales, and other measures — all of which violate the Second Amendment’s ‘infringement’ clause.
__Repeal legal protections for gun manufacturers: Biden would work to repeal the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which protects gun makers from being sued and held civilly liable if some lunatic or star-crossed lover used one of their firearms in a crime. Republicans specifically passed the law so that Democrats and their lawyer donors couldn’t sue gunmakers like people can’t sue automobile companies for deadly car crashes or food companies for making people fat.
— Assault weapons ban: This would include the banning of manufacture and sale of all semi-automatic weapons that resemble ‘scary-looking’ military rifles. This was tried once and it failed to make a dent in the murder rate. In 1994, President Clinton signed a Democrat-passed ‘assault weapons ban’ that President George W. Bush allowed to expire 10 years later. Subsequent studies show it did no good because even today, despite mass shootings, such rifles are rarely used in crimes.
— Regulate existing ‘assault weapons’: This is essentially a national registry of these weapons under the National Firearms Act.
— Ban high-capacity magazines: Because Democrats know how many bullets Americans need to protect themselves from criminals, apparently.
— Buyback assault weapons and high capacity magazines: What a deal we’ll get from the Biden administration, huh?
— Reduce ‘stockpiling’ of guns: Democrats also want to be able to tell Americans how many guns they can have because ‘stockpiles kill,’ or something like that.
Other measures include some of the same, old, tired talking points-type of restrictions:
— Require background checks for all gun sales
— Close the “hate crime loophole” (don’t let anyone convicted of a hate crime enjoy their Second Amendment right)
— End the online sale of firearms and ammunitions (because it’s a convenient way to protect yourself)
— Create an effective program to ensure individuals who become prohibited from possessing firearms relinquish their weapons
— Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs (buy them off, in other words)
And obviously, Biden has fans for these kinds of restrictions, including Fred Guttenberg, a Biden surrogate and father of Jaime Guttenberg, who was tragically killed in Parkland, Fla., in 2018.

Mind you, there were all kinds of Obama-Biden policy failings that led to the Parkland shooting, but let’s not discuss those. Let’s just ‘ban guns.’
“It’s within our grasp to end our gun violence epidemic and respect the Second Amendment, which is limited. As president, Biden will pursue constitutional, common-sense gun safety policies,” the Biden campaign site says, in a blatant lie.
Let’s be clear: There are no “common-sense gun safety policies,” only unconstitutional restrictions on the sale, purchase, and ownership of guns. There are no qualifiers in the Second Amendment, but there is this definitive statement: “…shall not be infringed.”

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