Thursday, April 2, 2020

DeBlasio: NYC Desperately Needs Help, But Not From a Christian Organization

DeBlasio: NYC Desperately Needs Help, But Not From a Christian Organization
Posted at 8:30 pm on April 01, 2020 by Jennifer Van Laar
New York City is at the epicenter of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic in the United States, and Mayor Bill de Blasio is constantly (at this point, after he allegedly stopped going to the gym) fearmongering and saying how much help the city needs in terms of hospital beds, medical equipment, and medical personnel.
Samaritan’s Purse, a charity run by Franklin Graham, has set up an Emergency Field Hospital in New York City’s Central Park to treat overflow patients from Mt. Sinai Hospital. Since Samaritan’s Purse isn’t down with the woke agenda de Blasio and other city officials are “very concerned” about the help they’ll render.

C’mon, y’all. Doctors take an oath to “first, do no harm.” Medical professionals aren’t concerned about their patient’s sexual orientation, pandemic or no, unless it’s relevant to a health issue.
Mt. Sinai asked Samaritan’s Purse to sign a pledge that practitioners will treat all patients equally, which they did. Still, Mayor de Blasio told Gothamist:
“We’re going to send people over from the Mayor’s Office to monitor. I am very concerned that this is done right. But if it is done right, we need all the help we can get.”
Yes, you read that right. In the midst of a total crisis, the Mayor’s Office will devote resources to monitoring the Samaritan’s Purse operations to ensure that no virulent anti-gay behavior is going on. Pardon us if, after de Blasio’s completely irresponsible comments and actions during the pandemic, we don’t think he’s a serious person.
In a tweet Monday NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson said he’s also “disturbed” by Samaritan’s Purse’s charity. It’s a crisis, “but our values remain.”

Which values are those? Never mind, we know. The religious people are the enemy.
On Tuesday Johnson released a formal statement reiterating how “troubled” he is that Graham’s organization would dare offer to help the beleaguered city – for free.

Franklin Graham has a long history of spewing anti-LGBTQ hate speech and I find it extremely troubling that he and his organization are involved in our relief efforts in any way. I will be monitoring this situation closely.

My full statement:

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Franklin Graham appeared on Hannity Tuesday, saying:
“We’re going to give the best health care we can to all New Yorkers, it doesn’t matter who they are or what they are. We’re going to give them the best medical care that we possibly can in Jesus’ name.”
Next time, de Blasio, there are only two words you need to remember. Thank you.
<a href="/jenvanlaar/">Jennifer Van Laar</a>
Jennifer Van Laar is Deputy Managing Editor at RedState and founded Save California PAC. Follow her work on Facebook and Twitter. Story tips: 

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