Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bombshell Docs: The FBI Closed Its Case Exonerating Gen Flynn. Strzok and Mueller Kept It Going.

The documents released from the Justice Department are coming at warp speed and today’s tranches are more disturbing than the last.
The latest batch of documents reveals that Special Counsel Robert Mueller hid exculpatory evidence absolving General Michael Flynn of any wrongdoing in the Russia spy hoax.
A flummoxed Senator Charles Grassley wondered why Mueller was sitting on these documents.
New DOJ/Flynn docs are stamped w SCO as in Special Counsels Office
Did Mueller have these docs? Why did his team sit on them? What else is Mueller team that cost taxpayers $30+ million hiding? The ppl deserve answers 2restore faith in federal law enforcement agencies
New DOJ/Flynn docs are stamped w SCO as in Special Counsels Office

Did Mueller have these docs? Why did his team sit on them? What else is Mueller team that cost taxpayers $30+ million hiding? The ppl deserve answers 2restore faith in federal law enforcement agencies
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Other documents unveiled today show that the FBI had ended its investigation of the three-star general, clearing him of any wrongdoing, only to have FBI investigator Peter Strzok re-open it with the intent, we discovered in Wednesday’s documents, of framing Flynn. The name of the operation was “Crossfire Razor,” an offshoot of the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, aka Trump-Is-a-Russian-Secret-Agent hoax.
Catherine Herridge of CBS News said “Crossfire Razor” was to be closed because no negative information had been found on Flynn.
#FLYNN More records unsealed including draft 1/04/2017 FBI “EC” or electronic communication – like memo for record. FBI code name Flynn “Crossfire Razor” Recommedation to close, citing lack “derogatory info” TIMING: 20 days before Flynn interview over comms Russian AMB @CBSNews
More records unsealed including draft 1/04/2017 FBI “EC” or electronic communication - like memo for record. FBI code name Flynn “Crossfire Razor” Recommedation to close, citing lack “derogatory info” TIMING: 20 days before Flynn interview over comms Russian AMB @CBSNews
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And outraged Representative Jim Jordan fumed on “Fox and Friends” Thursday.
Why didn’t Bob Mueller tell us this? Where’s [FBI Director] Christopher Wray? Why didn’t we learn any of this stuff from him?
We already knew that James Comey's FBI was out to get General Flynn and President Trump.

But it was worse than we thought.

Comey's failures were part of a larger pattern of misconduct and politicization at the FBI.

Durham is coming.
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The Federalist reports that the goal of the operation was to find out if there was a connection to Russia in the Trump campaign.
“The goal of the investigation was to determine whether [Flynn], associated with the Trump campaign, was directed and controlled by and/or coordinated activities with the Russian Federation in a manner which is a threat to the national security and/or possibly a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act,” the FBI memorandum formally closing its investigation of Flynn stated. “Following the initiation of captioned case, the [Crossfire Hurricane] team conducted a check of logical databases for any derogatory information on [Flynn].”
The FBI found none. And then the investigation was resurrected by Strzok and Mueller and went on for two more years in an attempt to find dirt on and destroy the Trump White House.
Mueller at one point piled on Flynn, berating him for “lying” to the FBI:
“A sitting National Security Adviser, former head of an intelligence agency, retired Lieutenant General, and 33-year veteran of the armed forces knows he should not lie to federal agents,” Mueller’s office said in a court filing.
“He does not need to be warned it is a crime to lie to federal agents to know the importance of telling them the truth.””
That was the meeting disgraced FBI chief Jim Comey bragged about, saying he sent two agents to interview Flynn under the guise of a defensive briefing. The agents later noted that Flynn had not lied.
It’s so corrupt it takes your breath away.

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