Monday, March 30, 2020

Trump Slightly Trailing Biden In Support, But Crushing Him In Voter Enthusiasm

Poll Shows Trump Slightly Trailing Biden In Support, But Crushing Him In Voter Enthusiasm
Posted at 11:30 am on March 30, 2020 by Jeff Charles
Supporters listen as President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally, Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020, in Toledo, Ohio. (AP Photo/ Jacquelyn Martin 
A new ABC/Washington Post pollrevealed some noteworthy findings regarding the presidential election. The survey had some good news for Biden, but even better news for President Donald Trump.
For starters, the study found that 51% of Democratic voters prefer Biden while only 42% still back Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for the nomination. At this point, it is almost certain that the former vice president will secure the nomination.
The poll also revealed that Biden’s lead over Trump has decreased, but he still maintains a slight edge over the president at 49% to 47%. However, this three-point lead is a statistical dead heat between the two candidates. These results show a marked difference from a recent Fox News poll that showed Biden leading the president 49% to 41%. It seems that Trump is quickly closing that gap.

But there was another finding that is worth noting. While Biden’s support is still high, his voter enthusiasm rating is, in a word, abysmal. Only 24% of his supporters indicate “strong enthusiasm” for the former vice president. This pales in comparison to the 53% of Trump supporters who expressed high enthusiasm for supporting the president.
Another key indicator is the attitudes of Sanders supporters. According to the poll, 15% stated that they would support Trump in November if Biden becomes the Democratic nominee.
The results of the poll show are highly favorable when it comes to Trump’s chances for re-election. As ABC News points out, “Strong enthusiasm for a candidate can help boost turnout on Election Day, a must-have particularly for Democrats, who rely more on motivating less-frequent voters to come to the polls.”

Previous elections seem to support ABC News’ assertion. As they noted, Hillary Clinton’s enthusiasm numbers were a mere 32% who said they were “very enthusiastic” in supporting her in September 2016. A low enthusiasm rating can easily spell doom for a presidential candidate when it’s time for voters to turn out at the polls.
From ABC News:
“Bad as Biden’s enthusiasm score is, we’ve seen worse: As few as 17% of former Republican presidential nominee and Arizona Sen. John McCain’s supporters were very enthusiastic about his candidacy in 2008, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney saw 23% in 2012. The poor omen for Biden is that Clinton, McCain and Romney all lost.”
While the Fox News poll showed that Biden was leading the president by nine percentage points, it did not take into account voter enthusiasm. Previously, I pointed out that “It is likely that his gaffes and questions about his mental acuity will continue to plague his candidacy.”
It appears that this has already happened, which would explain part of the reason why Biden’s supporters are not passionate about voting for him. It seems probable that while his supporters may prefer Biden, their favorable view of him might not be enough of a motivator for them to show up to cast their votes. Moreover, it may indicate that while they do not like Trump, they don’t have the level of hatred for him to inspire them to vote against him in November.
But, we cannot wholly discount the corporate media, which will do everything they can to ensure a Biden victory. Interestingly enough, the press does not seem to be very enthusiastic about the former vice president either.
So, you can easily see the strategy that the media is already using. They are trying to get the public to hate Trump as much as possible; They seem to think the best bet is to motivate people to vote against the president rather than voting for Biden.
The progressive media establishment has already ramped up its persuasion efforts against the president, especially amid the coronavirus outbreak. As my colleague Stu Cvrk pointed out:
“It’s clear that the Democrats a running a coordinated political smear campaign with their media allies in order to ascribe the coronavirus pandemic, as well as any future American deaths, to President Trump.”
November is still far away, and there is plenty that could happen between now and then. If the results of this poll are any indication, Trump will have a fierce battle ahead, but he is in an advantageous position to emerge victorious.

Follow me on Twitter: @JeffOnTheRight 

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