Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Townhall: Trump: the First Black President

Trump: the First Black President

Jack Brewer | Mar 09, 2020 3:15 PM
Trump: the First Black President
Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci 

I never thought, in all my years of serving the most underserved black people on the planet, that I would be called an “Uncle Tom.”
However, that is exactly what happened to me and other community leaders and patriots last week after we attended a Black History Month event hosted by President Trump at the White House.

Former NFL star Jack Brewer had a powerful response to a CNN commentator who called him an "Uncle Tom" over Brewer's vocal support for President Donald Trump.
Last week, Brewer made headlines during a Black History Month roundtable at the White House when he called Trump the "first black president."
"Mr. President, I don't mean to interrupt, but I've got to say this because it's Black History Month. Man, you the first black president," Brewer told the president, eliciting applause in the room.
On CNN a panel reacted to Brewer's praise of Trump, and CNN commentator Keith Boykin used a slur to describe Brewer and the other African-Americans attending the White House event.
We were gathered to celebrate the historic achievements that President Trump has secured for black Americans. From resurrecting American inner cities with Opportunity Zones to record-low unemploymentrising wagescriminal justice reformrecord-high funding for HBCUs, and fighting for school choice, President Trump has accomplished what Democrat politicians have long promised — and failed — to deliver.
That is why I proudly called President Trump the first Black President — not because of the color of his skin, but because of the content of his administration’s victories. He is the first president to have a real agenda for Black America.
For daring to think differently, CNN’s Keith Boykin slurred me and other attendees as “Uncle Toms.” 

"The idea that anybody would sit in a room with Donald Trump and call him the first black president after we had Barack Obama as the president of the United States. It shows just what kind of Uncle Toms were sitting in that room in the first place," said Boykin to gasps, but notably, no objections from CNN host Don Lemon or the other panelists.
"How dare you?" said Brewer in response to Boykin on Fox Nation's "Reality Check with David Webb," "I would love you to compare your work for poor black people against mine."
"I've worked tirelessly," continued Brewer, detailing his work in the black community.  "I feed over 15,000 little black babies every day. I've opened up hospitals around the world to help poor black mothers who don't have access to health care. And I've dedicated my entire life – not to get paid for money, I put my own money into these projects – and that's where my passion lies."  
"My passion lies in the inner city programs," continued Brewer, "I'm actually trying to bridge the gap of fatherlessness across this country. And so I said to Keith Boykin, 'how dare you?'"
"You know, you can disagree with me. I have no problem with that. But when you attack me now, I got to come back and ask you to do some fact-checking yourself and look and see what the Jack Brewer that you called an Uncle Tom is really doing. Because, you know, when you look in the mirror, he may see the actual Uncle Tom in himself."  
"What do you see as the difference under the Trump administration, in the black community and the prior decades under Democrats?" asked Fox News contributor and Nation host David Webb.
Brewer pointed to Trump's support for school choice as an issue that sets the president apart.
"I think President Trump is establishing the principle of, 'Hey, you can go out there and aspire and reach your goals through working and through education. You start that with school choice." 
"Segregation still exists in America and a lot of these neighborhoods where we force these poor black kids to go to failing public schools," argued Brewer. "I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, if you're against school choice, I have a problem with that. I have a problem with forcing poor black kids to go to these schools that don't work."
Brewer also hailed the president for his support for historically black colleges (HBCs) and the creation of Opportunity Zones, which are community development projects created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.  
"They want to downplay President Trump's progress," concluded Brewer, addressing many of the president's critics. "They want to go try to sound bite him and cut what he says and make him appear as a racist. But at the end of the day, if you're a racist, you're not going to be letting black people out of jail. You're not gonna be pushing a black agenda... that's exactly what this president is doing."
I have long been committed to supporting nutrition and education programs, as well as women’s health and pediatric care, which have helped hundreds of thousands of the most underserved blacks on the planet. In my travels, I have seen and learned a lot.
But my real awakening came in 2012, after working as a loyal and motivated advocate for Barack Obama.
At the time, I was devoted to my projects in Haiti, providing much-needed aid to a nation struck by a devastating earthquake and then, a few years later, by the destructive power of a hurricane.  
I quickly began to see how the Obama Administration and the Clinton Foundation squandered the $13 billion that was meant to rebuild Haiti’s infrastructure.
Haitians are still suffering, and to this day, no one has been held accountable.
There was no uprising, no moral outrage at this miscarriage of justice in the poorest nation in the West and the first Independent Black Nation.
“WOKE” culture slept.
In 2014, I had another revelation. The president that I voted for twice was approaching the end of his presidency and had still done nothing to pass real criminal justice reform. I then learned that his vice president was one of the drafters of the 1994 crime bill that systematically incarcerated millions of black fathers.
Once again, “WOKE” culture slept.
Eight years came and went. “Hope” and “Change” came and went. Two terms of a president who was supposed to look out for Black Americans came and went.
Then, in 2016, along came a straight shooting New York businessman called Donald Trump.
He asked us, “What do you have to lose?”
I listened.
I wrote an article prior to the election predicting that Hillary Clinton would not turn out the black vote. I was right. Then, I was targeted.
Over the next two years, I was plagued with SEC audits, investigations, and even a few FBI visits. I spent over $200,000 defending myself, they found nothing, and they disappeared. 
Meanwhile, my business and charity suffered — all for the crime of not standing with Hillary Clinton.
I was targeted by the same methods used against other black men who went against the “traditional” way of thinking — men like Martin Luther King, Jr.
So there I was, an invitee of President Trump, in the West Wing to celebrate a brighter future for black communities that finally have the opportunities long promised to us by Democrats.
For that, I and other great Americans — including Dr. Alveda King, Terrence K. Williams, Stacy Washington, David Harris, Jr., Pastor Darrell Scott, Deneen Borrelli, Paris Dennard, and Diamond and Silk — were called “Uncle Toms.”
CNN’s Keith Boykin called Dr. Alveda King, the daughter of A.D. King — Dr. King’s brother — an “Uncle Tom.” Dr. Alveda King, who survived the bombing of her home as a child and was jailed as a youth activist for protesting for fair housing, was attacked by a CNN contributor for meeting with the President of the United States.
And he has yet to apologize. He — and everyone who has called me an “Uncle Tom” in the past — cannot say they have done more than I have to aid underserved black communities.
Just like black-on-black crime in our inner cities, this is yet another example of Democrats and the media turning a blind eye. 
After years of seeing black babies aborted by the hundreds of thousands, the war against school choice which forced our poor black kids to remain in terrible schools, and the devastation caused by fatherless families and shattered communities, we saw in President Trump a man who keeps the promises he makes.
For this thought crime, we are maligned and smeared by the media.
On this, I expect that “WOKE” culture will, once again, remain asleep.
We will bear the slings and arrows cast at us by those who fear free and independent thought in Black Americans.
We will continue fighting for the oppressed, the poor, and the forgotten.
I wonder how many of those who have smeared us over the last week can say the same.

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