Monday, March 9, 2020

DNC Caters to Old Joe – Changes Rules So Biden Can Sit Down During Arizona Debate

The DNC changed its rules for the upcoming March 15 Democrat debate in Arizona so old Joe Biden can sit down.
CNN will be hosting the town hall style debate next Sunday and agreed to a format change that would have the candidates seated.

The Sanders camp is accusing Biden’s team of a backdoor deal with the DNC to allow old Joe to take a load off rather than go toe-to-toe with Bernie.

“Why does Joe Biden not want to stand toe-to-toe with Sen. Sanders on the debate stage March 15 and have an opportunity to defend his record and articulate his vision for the future?” asked Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ senior advisor.

Politico reported:

After a private call Friday with CNN, which is moderating the March 15 debate with the Democratic National Committee, Sanders’ team balked at a new proposed format for debate, saying it gives his opponent Biden too much of a break in their first one-on-one face-off. Biden’s camp denied that it was pressing for a sit-down debate.
The format for the next debate in Arizona — their first since Biden’s blowout Super Tuesday victories — would have the candidates seated for the first time this election cycle and take multiple questions from the audience. In the prior 10 debates, the candidates stood at lecterns and nearly all questions were asked by the professional moderators.
Biden’s campaign and the DNC said the format for the debate was decided by the party and CNN. The news network declined to comment and referred questions to the DNC.
“We will participate in whatever debate CNN choses to stage: standing, sitting, at podiums, or in a town hall,” Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said. “The problem for the Sanders campaign is not the staging of the debate, but rather, the weakness of Sen. Sanders’ record and ideas.”

Biden’s mental faculties are rapidly declining so this new debate format only raises more questions about his health problems.

Just this weekend Biden jumbled his own named and declared himself an “Obiden-Bama Democrat.”
Bernie Sanders, 78, suffered a massive heart attack a few months ago and he’s pushing to stand up in the next debate while old Joe wants to sit in a comfy chair. Unbelievable.

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