Monday, February 10, 2020

Trump’s Dream Scenario Unfolds With RECORD Approval Rating And Democrats In Complete Chaos

Trump’s “Dream Scenario” Unfolds With RECORD Approval Rating And Democrats

In Complete Chaos.

With this past week being one of the best for Donald Trump in terms of victories it seems only rational that it was one of the worst for the Democrats.

Amid a powerful State Of The Union, Astounding Economy Numbers, Acquittal in Impeachment, it seems like a no brainer that Trump’s approval rating briefly reached an all time high for his presidency since he was inaugurated.

Meanwhile chaos is unfolding within the Democratic Party as the Iowa Caucus results are being contested, Sanders supporters boo Pete Buttigieg, and Nancy Pelosi’s tantrum backfired resulting in Democrats quitting the party.

Republicans said in an interview that this is Donald Trump’s dream scenario.

Record high approval amid the collapse of the Democratic party.

Once again it seems that when it matters most Trump jumps ahead and puts us on a path to see Democrats lose again

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