Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Sandersnistas Feel the Bern of Socialism and They Don’t Like It

The Sandersnistas Feel the Bern of Socialism and They Don't Like It
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines Register in Des Moines, Iowa.
Team Sanders certainly has good reason to be angry with the DNC as they once again try to sabotage his path to the nomination.
They changed the rules to make way for latecomer Michael Bloomberg to participate in the Nevada Democratic debate. They tried to prevent CNN and The Des Moines Register from releasing polling data which showed Sen. Sanders (I-VT) leading the pack just days before the caucuses.
And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may or may not have had Sanders in mind when she held back the Articles of Impeachment for a month which had the affect of keeping Sanders, as well as Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) off the campaign trail in the critical period prior to the Iowa caucuses.
Suddenly, it must feel like 2016 for Bernie and his supporters all over again. Things like this shouldn’t be happening in a democracy, should they? Prearranged results. Rigged elections.
But Bernie is an avowed Democratic socialist. He aspires to transform our democratic republic into a socialist republic. And this is the stuff of socialist republics.
I came across an amusing tweet from Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson sent in the aftermath of last weeks’ debacle in Iowa.
Robinson wrote: “You wanted more socialism…Last night you got more socialism…Third world tech, missing vote counts, chaotic rules, rigged elections…The only thing missing: Food shortages.”
I don’t understand why Bernie Sanders supporters are so upset about the Iowa caucus.

You wanted more socialism.

Last night, you got more socialism.

Third world tech, missing vote counts, chaotic rules, rigged elections.

The only thing missing: food shortages.
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The reason why Team Bernie is upset is because they are at the mercy of those who currently have power. They want to be in the drivers’ seat calling the shots. Like Nancy Pelosi or the DNC.
Come on Bernie, cheer up. You had a lot of votes. The others had fewer votes. This is the way socialism works. Just like Karl Marx used to say, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
Oh, the irony.

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