Documents reveal that the DNC was intimately involved in the development of the botched voting app used recently during the Iowa caucuses, according to a report from Yahoo News.
The caucuses were thrown into chaos after the app–which was developed to record the results from the caucuses–failed. Ultimately, Iowa’s Democratic Party declared former Indianapolis mayor Pete Buttigieg the winner of the caucuses after he earned the most delegates. However, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won the popular vote, garnering more than 2,500 votes than his competitor.
A Democratic operative from Iowa provided Yahoo News with the contract and correspondence between the DNC and app developer, Shadow Inc. The contract was signed on October 14, 2019 and shows Shadow as the “Consultant” and states that the company had to work with the DNC and provide the organization with access to its software for testing.
“Consultant agrees to work with the DNC Services Corporation / Democratic National Committee (‘DNC’) on an on-going basis as Consultant develops the software,” states the contract.
It also says the developer will “provide DNC continual access to review the Consultant’s system configurations, security and system logs, system designs, data flow designs, security controls (preventative and detective), and operational plans for how the Consultant will use and run the Software for informational dissemination, pre-registration, tabulation, and reporting throughout the caucus process.”