Thursday, February 27, 2020

Pete Buttigieg Confronted by Minimum Wage, Racial Justice Protesters at South Carolina Union Event

(CHARLESTON, S.C.) — Pete Buttigieg has been hounded by protesters during a march with McDonald’s workers in Charleston, South Carolina, who are striking for a $15 minimum wage.
The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, had joined the workers, who were organized for Monday’s march by the nationwide Fight for $15 movement. He lined up alongside the largely black crowd of red-shirted workers at the front of the march, helping to carry a sign that read “Racial Justice = Economic Justice.”
But when Buttigieg tried to speak to the marchers, he was shouted over by a group of Black Voters Matter protesters chanting, “Pete can’t be our President, where was $15 in South Bend?” The protesters continued until Buttigieg cut his remarks short after just five minutes and started to leave.
But heading to an SUV waiting to drive him away, the former mayor was forced to pick up his pace as a huge gaggle of reporters, cameras and still-chanting protesters came after him. And even as Buttigieg hopped in the car and drove away, protesters continued to chase the car, chanting all the way.
South Carolina, where blacks could make up two thirds of the Democratic primary electorate, holds its primary on Saturday.

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