Thursday, February 13, 2020

Newly-Elected Muslim Democrat State Lawmaker Gets Just 3 Months Jail For Stealing More Than $500K From Nonprofit Founded To Serve Mentally Ill And Poor

What Muslims do here what they would never dare to do in their own countries. Maybe there is something to that reprisal.
Muslim state lawmaker Movita Johnson-Harrell, a Democrat from Philadelphia, was charged with stealing more than $500,000 from her own non-profit to pay for vacations, furs, designer clothes, bills and her run for the state legislature.
The crooked Democrat didn’t even serve one whole year in office and she is already resigning in disgrace — she is also facing jail time.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported:
State Attorney General Josh Shapiro said Johnson-Harrell engaged in “brazen corruption” and systematically tried to cover up her crimes by falsifying records and financial statements.
Luckily her crimes were exposed but our justice system didn’t dod its job.
She will spend only three months in a Philadelphia jail and finish out the year on house arrest for stealing money from her nonprofit.
Johnson-Harrell, 53, was sentenced on Thursday after she pleaded guilty to felony charges for spending more than $500,000 in funds from the Motivations Education & Consultation Associates on personal affects like clothing, vacations and real estate, the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office said in a news release.
“This Philadelphia community would have been in a better place had this former public official invested MECA’s money into the people who needed the care she promised,” Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro said after Johnson-Harrell’s court hearing.
The nonprofit serves the homeless, seniors, children, and people with chronic mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse disorders.
In addition to her time in jail, Johnson-Harrell will spend eight-and-a-half months on house arrest, eleven-and-a-half months on parole and two years on probation. She also agreed to pay restitution to the nonprofit — including surrendering a property to the state.
Johnson-Harrell pleaded guilty to theft by unlawful taking, theft by deception and perjury, which are all felonies. The AG’s office said she pleaded no contest to two misdemeanor charges of tampering with public records.
Recall, Movita Johnson-Harrell was just elected in March of this year in a special election when she attacked a Christian state lawmaker who prayed to “Jesus” during her swearing-in ceremony as “blatantly Islamophobic.”
The Muslim lawmaker called for Republican State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz to be censured over her Christian prayer.
A Christian being punished for praying to their Savior is a form of Sharia law — and the newly-elected Muslim lawmaker was pushing for the Christian lawmaker to be punished.
Movita Johnson-Harrell didn’t even last one year in her job before being forced to resign after attacking a Christian woman and stealing money from her own charity to fund an extravagant lifestyle.
What’s the problem? It is a Muslim’s right to lie, cheat and steal from non-believers.
Celebrate diversity.

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