Thursday, February 13, 2020

Lifelong Democrat Attends Trump Rally and This Happened February 13, 2020 / Robert Jonathan

The online knitting community, of all things, apparently caused a New Hampshire woman to eventually reevaluate her political affiliation after 20 years.

Writing in Medium, organizational psychologist and MSNBC fan Karlyn Borysenko recalls how the social justice warriors in the Instagram knitting world began bullying anyone who didn’t go along with their radical ideology.

Karlyn Borysenko later discovered the #WalkAwayMovement and “started to meet real people who had been Democrats who had made the decision to leave because they could not stand the way the left was acting.”

She attended an N.H. Donald Trump rally on February 10, with a side trip to an MSNBC show, while wearing a “Make Speech Free Again” Hat.

Borysenko says she wound up voting for Pete Buttigieg in the New Hampshire Primary on Tuesday. On Wednesday, she changed her voter registration from Democrat to independent to “sit in the middle for a while,” thereby making the walkaway complete.

Many who have walked away haven’t become Republicans or necessarily full-on Trump supporters. But they all share a profound belief that the left has gone way to far in terms of identity politics and socialism.

Overcoming Trump Derangement Syndrome

Still not a supporter of Trump administration policies, Borysenko had an epiphany:
I was one of those Democrats who considered anyone who voted for Trump a racist…I watched a lot of MSNBC, was convinced that everything he had done was horrible, that he hated anyone that wasn’t a straight, white man, and that he had no redeeming qualities.

But when I witnessed the amount of hate coming from the left in this small, niche knitting community, I started to question everything…The more voices outside of the left I listened to, the more I realized that these were not bad people… We had differences of opinions on social and economic issues, but a difference of opinion does not make your opponent inherently evil.

Like a Rock Concert

Despite misgivings in part ginned up by the anti-Trump media, this is what she encountered at the MAGA event, as contrasted with Democrat rallies, when she decided to see for herself:
As I waited [to enter the venue], I chatted with the folks around me. Add contrary to all the fears expressed, they were so nice! I was not harassed or intimidated and was never in fear of my safety even for a moment. These were average everyday people. They were veterans, school teachers, and small business owners and they had come from all over the place for the thrill of attending this rally. They were upbeat and excited. In chatting, I even let it slip that I was a democrat and the reaction was “Good for you! Welcome!”
Once we got inside, the atmosphere was jubilant! It was more like attending a rock concert than a political rally…

I had attended an event with all of the Democratic contenders just two days prior in exactly the same arena and the contrast was stark. First, Trump completely filled the arena all the way up to the top. Even with every major Democratic candidate in attendance the other night, and the campaigns giving away free tickets, the Democrats did not do that…

With Trump, there was a genuinely optimistic view of the future. With the Democrats, it was doom and gloom. With Trump, there was a genuine feeling of pride of being an American. With the Democrats, they emphasized that the country was a racist place from top to bottom.
Borysenko claims that Trump “lies,” rather than exaggerates or oversimplifies. But she also acknowledges the big picture:
The reality is that many people I spoke to do disagree with Trump on things. They don’t always like his attitude. They wish he wouldn’t tweet so much. People who are in cults don’t question their leaders. The people I spoke with did, but the pros in their eyes far outweighed the cons. They don’t love him because they think he’s perfect. They love him despite his flaws because they believe he has their back.

A Surprise Coming for the Liberal Echo Chamber

With a call for unity, she also predicts that 2020 is going to be a repeat of 2016.
There are extremes in both parties that I am uncomfortable with, but I also fundamentally believe that most people on both sides are good, decent human beings that want the best for the country but have dramatic disagreements on how to get there. But until we start seeing each other as human beings, there will be no bridging the divide. I refuse to be a part of the divisiveness any longer. I refuse to hate people I don’t know simply because they choose to vote for someone else. If we’re going to heal the country, we have to start taking steps towards one another rather than away. I think the Democrats have an ass-kicking coming to them in November, and I think most of them will be utterly shocked when it happens because they’re existing in an echo chamber that is not reflective of the broader reality.
The article has, at this writing, prompted 284 mostly favorable responses, such as this one: “I’m a Trump supporter and I do realize he is flawed, but he is the first president in my lifetime to actually try to do what he promised.”

Read the entire essay and draw your own conclusions.

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