Sunday, February 9, 2020

FLASHBACK: When a Journalist Speculated on Having Sex With Obama

To use a massive understatement, journalists are fans of Donald Trump. This is quite the contrast to how they covered Barack Obama. Sometimes people forget just HOW much they liked him, such as the media personality who speculated on having sex with him. It was 11 years ago this week, on February 5, 2009, that the New York Times website published a piece on fantasizing about sex with the Democrat.

NYT “Domestic Disturbance” blogger Judith Warner wrote, “The other night I dreamt of Barack Obama. He was taking a shower right when I needed to get into the bathroom  to shave my legs... I launched an e-mail inquiry... Many women — not to surprisingly — were dreaming about sex with the President.”

This, as you can imagine, is a bit different than comparing Trump to Hitler.

Over twenty seven years ago, in 1992, Time Senior Writer Walter Shapiro discussed the “American libido” and “sex dreams about Bill Clinton.” Here’s an excerpt from the article: 
At a moment when the American libido seems to oscillate between Puritanism and rampant exhibitionism, how significant is it that for the first time in more than 30 years the nation has elected a President with sex appeal?....Cheryl Russell, editor of The Boomer Report, a monthly newsletter on consumer trends, captures a new dimension in the national psyche when she confides, 'Every woman I know is having sex dreams about Bill Clinton. We're finally getting a President our own age who we can imagine having sex with.'
Though not sexual, on July 10, 2001, ABC’s Diane Sawyer gushed: “After pepperoni pizza and a banana milkshakes once, I dreamed about Bill Clinton.”

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