Tuesday, February 11, 2020

BREAKING: The Office Of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Admits Soros Fund Pays Travel Expenses For Employees by CD Media StaffFebruary 12, 2020

CD Media has written extensively about how the George Soros NGO infrastructure in Ukraine has infiltrated all levels of the Ukrainian government, and controls all ministries. We have received pushback on this theory on social media, but our sources have been proven correct over and over again. The information has been provided to us from deep contacts within the Ukrainian government itself. However, now the Ukrainian press is reporting on the incestuous relationship we have written about at length – detailing how the Soros-controlled Renaissance Fund in Ukraine has been paying travel expenses for Ukrainian prosecutors and other employees, for foreign business trips — essentially boondoggles to buy influence.

  The Attorney General’s Office admitted that it is collaborating with the George Soros Renaissance Foundation. However, the department refused to name the employees who collaborated with the fund, and the funds Soros spent by them, reported Strana.ua.

This is evidenced by the official answers of the Office of the Prosecutor General to two requests from the ex-deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Volodymyr Bogatyr.

In a response dated January 30 to the first request, Ryaboshapki’s department reports that the work of prosecutors is paid for from the state budget of Ukraine. But at the same time, they admit that the Soros Foundation helped organize foreign business trips for GPU employees.

“According to the Department of International Legal Cooperation and Asset Recovery of the Office of the Prosecutor General, we inform that between 2014-2019 the cooperation between the Prosecutor General’s Office and the International Renaissance Fund was expert and advisory in nature. In addition, the fund facilitated the organization of official business trips employees of the prosecution authorities (participants did not receive money) Employees of the Department responsible for the organizational and protocol support of international events th Ukrainian cooperation in the prosecution service, to communicate with the staff of the Fund, within its competence “- said in response to the prosecutor’s office.
In a second reply dated February 10, the Office writes that it did not keep records of the business trips of its employees.

“… Regulatory documents of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine … do not provide for the accounting of inspections on certain issues. Foreign official business trips are not recorded for entities involved in the organization of business trips of employees of the prosecution authorities of Ukraine, and no specific funding sources are being kept, in connection with what is impossible to provide information on the requested criteria, including providing a list of employees of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine who were on foreign business trips, assistance in which x provided by the International Fund “Revival” – the document says.

At the same time, the response indicated that the assistance concerned “the participation of prosecutors in activities aimed at gaining experience in areas that are relevant to the work of the department. In particular, regarding the establishment of cooperation with the International Criminal Court.”
BREAKING:  The Office Of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Admits Soros Fund Pays Travel Expenses For Employees
The prosecutor’s office added that employees of the prosecutor’s office participated in activities to develop “their practical skills and gain experience in areas that are relevant to the work of the department, in particular, to establish cooperation with the International Criminal Court”.

You don’t have to look very hard to find evidence of the corrupt machine that was unleashed on President Trump over the last three years. It is staring you right in the face in Ukraine.

However, the corrupt Western press refuses to report the evidence.

Source : https://creativedestructionmedia.com/investigations/2020/02/12/breaking-the-office-of-ukrainian-prosecutor-general-admits-soros-fund-pays-travel-expenses-for-employees/

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