I watched as much of the Democratic debate as I could stomach Tuesday night, which was about 50 minutes. 
That was long enough to enjoy watching the Fake News Media, in the form of CNN’s Abby Phillip, start to eat their own when the moderator dismissed Democrat front-runner Bernie Sanders as a male chauvinist liar! (I never thought I would feel sorry for a communist, but Phillip made me come close when she savaged the defenseless old man.)
Anyway, I did recuperate from the exhaustion of watching the Dems lie to each other and to the nation — at least, enough that I was able to watch some of the post-debate analysis. Most interesting to me was the perspective of David Plouffe, who was the campaign manager for Barack Obama in 2008. Brian Williams on MSNBC asked Plouffe, “How is this party going to beat Donald Trump?” and he probably didn’t expect the answer he got: