Thursday, January 2, 2020

USA Today Article: ‘Terrifying’ That Texas Churchgoers Were Armed When They Were Attacked

USA Today is facing blowback over an op-ed they published from Arizona Republic blogger Elvia Diaz, who wrote that it was “terrifying” that members of the West Freeway Church of Christ in Texas were armed when a man stormed the church and opened fire on congregants.
Diaz wrote in response to hero Jack Wilson’s heroic actions in taking down the shooter only a few seconds after the shooter opened fire, “Unfortunately, that kind of split-second heroism has been turned into a PR tool by gun advocates. ”
Diaz continued by criticizing the other armed churchgoers who responded to the attack, saying that it was “terrifying” that nothing is known about them.
Diaz falsely claimed that the real story behind the incident was not Wilson’s heroism.
Diaz pulled a Joe Biden and essentially attacked the fact that Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law that allows people in churches to be armed. Diaz wrote:
Texas has one of the nation’s least restrictive gun laws, including allowing armed security at houses of worship and allowing parishioners to bring their weapons to church. Gun advocates didn’t waste any time after the recent church incident to promote the idea of arming oneself.
The Second Amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms. And that isn’t going anywhere. But that constitutional amendment doesn’t spell out the types of firearms Americans should bear, nor does it give Americans the right to sell them to anyone to carry anywhere.
Diaz claimed that the real story was how the attacker, who had a criminal record and was banned from owning firearms, was able to get a firearm:
Sunday’s shooting isn’t just about Jack Wilson’s heroism. It’s about how [the shooter] got a hold of a weapon in the first place, given his criminal record.
Without realizing it, Diaz actually made a strong case against gun control, which she was trying to promote, because she highlighted the fact that criminals do not obey laws and no gun control law is going to stop a motivated criminal from obtaining a weapon.
Here are some of the responses that Elvia Diaz received over her controversial article:
Columbine survivor Evan Todd: “I stared down the barrel of a gun at Columbine, where 13 people were murdered and almost 30 wounded. I wished then and now that we had a Jack Wilson that fateful day. The world would be a better place if there were more men and women like Jack Wilson. Shame on you, @elviadiaz1”
Michael Malice: “Freedom is terrifying, insists enemy of the people. … This is the entire point of concealed carry, that murderers et al don’t know who around them is packing.”
Congressional candidate Lisa Sutton: “What’s terrifying is your attempt to downplay a heroic act by law abiding Americans, who were focused on stopping an evil person from inflicting more harm upon others.”
Seattle based conservative radio host Jason Rantz: “So glad that @elviadiaz1 is getting dragged for this trash take that it’s unfortunate people had weapons to protect themselves against a mass shooter.”
Senior Heritage Legal Policy Analyst Amy Swearer: “We know they are law-abiding citizens with a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in defense against crime and tyranny, and that in a moment of grave peril, they acted responsibly with their firearms…which is the statistical norm for permit holders.”
Free Beacon Second Amendment reporter Stephen Gutowski: “Sure Jack Wilson is a hero that saved many lives but his heroism is good for gun advocates so it’s actually bad. Brilliant stuff here. … Used to be gun-control activists like this reserved guns only for active-duty law enforcement. I guess firearms instructors have been added to the list now? I guess that’s progress. Of course, the people they instruct are still not good enough…”
“‘The real story here isn’t heroism.’ That’s an actual line in an op-ed from a major American newspaper about a man who stopped a murderer and unquestionably saved many lives. Unreal,” Gutowski continued. “It’s incredible how desperately some gun-control activists hold on to the idea that lawful gun carriers will just shoot anyone at the drop of a hat even insisting an event that’s literally direct evidence against the idea is somehow proof of it.”
"The real story here isn't heroism"

That's an actual line in an op-ed from a major American newspaper about a man who stopped a murderer and unquestionably saved many lives. Unreal.
It's incredible how desperately some gun-control activists hold on to the idea that lawful gun carriers will just shoot anyone at the drop of a hat even insisting an event that's literally direct evidence against the idea is somehow proof of it.
47 people are talking about this
Actor Nick Searcy: “These leftists want more people to die so they can disarm law-abiding Americans.”

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