The mother — who never made it inside the school — spent two nights at the hospital
Maria Jimenez's 16-year-old daughter told her she was being bullied by a group of girls at James Logan High School in Union City, California — so Jimenez and her husband Eder Rojas drove their daughter to school Tuesday morning to complain to the principal, KRON-TV reported.
But the family never made it inside.
Rojas told KGO-TV two teen girls — one of whom was bullying his daughter — confronted them before they made it through the school's door.
"They started screaming at us, 'What you wanna do? Who's going to fight first?'" Rojas told KGO.

Eder Rojas mimics a punch he said teen girls delivered to his wife.Image source: KGO-TV video screenshot
Rojas blocked the teens from going after his daughter, so he said they targeted his wife instead, punching and kicking her.
"The girl was very furious, they grabbed by the hair and dragged me," Jimenez told KGO through a translator.

Jimenez — who suffered a broken nose, bruises on her face, and a reddened right eye — spent two nights in the hospital.

Here's a KGO report on the incident:
"I just wanted to talk to the principal, you'd never imagine a kid would hit an adult, I thought we were safe on campus," Jimenez added to KGO.
She had just given birth four months ago, the station said.

Rojas told KRON his wife's attackers are "animals."
What happened to the attackers?
Police responded and arrested one of the teenagers, charging her with battery with serious bodily injury, KGO reported.

The station added that the school sent an email to parents, which read in part: "We are investigating and following up on this incident working directly with the Union City Police Department, and taking disciplinary actions. We believe this incident to be between the two Logan students and does not appear to involve any other Logan students."
The school district told KRON the fight involved two students, a student's family, and someone not from the school.
Jimenez's family told KGO they will find a new high school for their daughter and are considering hiring an attorney. The station added that a GoFundMe page has been established to help with Jimenez's medical expenses.