Friday, January 24, 2020

LOL! Enjoy The Hilarious Video Of Adam Schiff’s “Dazzling” Speech

Earlier this week, House Intelligence Chair and impeachment sham leader, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) gave the dramatic performance of his life. Like many other House Democrats, Schiff knows that his party is in big trouble and that unless historic voter fraud is allowed to take place, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide, they will likely lose the House, and the Senate will maintain a Republican majority.
The mainstream media and low-rated cable news networks like CNN are going all-in on their coverage of the sham impeachment trial, hoping to convince American voters there is even a shred of truth behind the tales Schiff and Pelosi have spun about the July 25th phone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky.
Breitbart News wrote about the buzzword that was being used by liberal media following Schiff’s emotional and factless speech during the ridiculous Senate impeachment trial.
CNN’s chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on Wednesday during his network’s coverage of the Senate impeachment trial referred to House manager Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) opening argument as “dazzling.”
Toobin said, “I thought it was dazzling. I thought the way he wove through both the facts of the case and the historical context was really remarkable. It was the second-best courtroom address, since it’s like a courtroom, that I ever heard after a prosecutor named Jonathan Benedict in the Michael Skakel case in Connecticut, was the best I ever heard, and still the best, but that was — when you consider the volume of information he covered using the video, as I think Jake mentioned earlier, the — you know, the witness testimony, the documents, it’s very persuasive stuff, and you know, if people are listening, it’s very hard to imagine that they will think that the Democrats and the House managers are just making this up.”
Apparently, someone on Twitter had a different idea about what a “dazzling” performance by Adam Schiff would look like, and it’s hilarious!

As a reminder, most Americans are not behind the shifty Adam Schiff. Here’s what happened recently when Schiff attempted to lie to a room full of citizens who refused to listen to his lies about Trump and his impeachment sham.

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