Have your comments been detected as spam on Disqus? YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Word must get around to boycott Disqus completely. Censorship on Disqus is undeniable. Using intrusive and invasive technology Disqus will censor individuals from making legitimate comments simply because Disqus does not like what that person has got to say. This highly popular commenting platform used by some of the worlds biggest and most popular websites uses sophisticated algorithms to profile you based upon what sites you go on and what phrases you use when commenting to determine whether or not you should be censored online.
Disqus has even teamed up with Google to create a “toxic comment filter” system that uses AI to detect and delete “toxic” comments. This technology is proving a real problem with a conservative with many complaining that their comments are being automatically censored by Disqus because they are not liberal or politically correct like most tech companies purport to be. This is a real affront to democracy and freedom of speech online and should not be tolerated. This very real problem is simply not getting the attention that it deserves this is because most politicians and media groups are on the payroll of the big tech giants such as Google and Facebook who seek to control the internet.
If you are a European citizen you may be able to fight back! Under the new European GDPR laws enforced on may 25th 2017 it states that websites must make it clear to you when signing up to their website exactly how the website will be processing your data and what they are doing with your data. However, Disqus fails to notify users explicitly upon sign up their data is used to censor them if the data is rejected by their system. This means that you can actually sue Disqus for this.
Should you use Disqus? Is Disqus a good comment plugin?
Even if you aren’t bothered about Disqus and their blatant censorship there are still plenty of reason why you shouldn’t use this comment platform on your blog. Informative and high-quality comments can really help your website rank in the search engines. BUT if you have Disqus installed these juicy comments can actually have a negative impact on your site.
Disqus is bad for SEO because the content is not hosted on your blog but on Disqus own website this and are served in javascript iFrame. At best search engines won’t even be able to read your comments section, at worst these comments will be seen duplicate content and could actually cause your site to be penalized.
The fact is that Disqus is simply not as good as WordPress built-in native comment system, with Akismet that monitors for spam comments you really don’t have to worry about being bombarded with spam comments…
From Forbes: From San Francisco to NYC
This article is more than 2 years old.
Zeta Global CEO David Steinberg
Marketing technology platform Zeta Global on December 5th 2017, announced its largest acquisition to date, snapping up the social discussion platform Disqus Inc. in a deal sources say amounted to $90 million.
It’s a pretty good exit for San Francisco-based Disqus, which has raised only $10.5 million in funding in its 10-year existence, the last round way back in 2011. It has struggled in a world in which a couple of companies dominate digital advertising, laying off 20% of its staff, or about 11 people, a year ago.
Although Zeta itself wouldn’t specify the size of the deal, co-founder and Chief Executive David Steinberg confirmed it’s the company’s largest to date. And not just in terms of how much it paid for Disqus, which provides commenting systems for 4 million websites, on which some 50 million comments are logged per month. The company claims to reach 2 billion unique visitors a month, producing 17 billion page views. Not least, Steinberg noted, the acquisition adds some 1.5 billion cookies, or identifiers of visitors, to Zeta’s already formidable data collection.
That, he said, should make Zeta’s platform all the more attractive to companies looking to reach specific groups of people. “Marketers can do a lot more targeting now,” Steinberg said in an interview.
As for Zeta itself, Steinberg said the deal makes the company “certainly” one of the top five marketing data platforms. “We see this as a marquee deal,” he said.
That said, it’s still facing much larger competitors that comprise the top four: Oracle Corp., IBM Corp., Salesforce.com Inc. and Adobe Inc., which all have been snapping up ad and marketing tech firms in the last few years to build their own marketing clouds. And that’s on top of the two behemoths that dominate online advertising generally: Google Inc. and Facebook Inc.
Zeta, which originally focused on email marketing, has been steadily building its Marketing Cloud and related customer lifecycle management services through a series of now 11 acquisitions, serving customers such as Ikea, Toys R Us and United Parcel Service.
Most recently, it acquired martech startup Boomtrain Inc. in July for what sources said was about $35 million to $40 million. That followed a large $140 million Series F fundraising in April. Before that, it bought the customer relationship management division of eBay’s Enterprise operation in late 2015 for what sources said was about $75 million and Acxiom Ltd.’s email services unit in August 2016.
Steinberg said another advantage of Disqus is that it gives Zeta a business focused on helping publishers, not just advertisers. He said one goal of the company is to “democratize the open web” and enable millions of independent websites to leverage their data.
Most recently, it acquired martech startup Boomtrain Inc. in July for what sources said was about $35 million to $40 million. That followed a large $140 million Series F fundraising in April. Before that, it bought the customer relationship management division of eBay’s Enterprise operation in late 2015 for what sources said was about $75 million and Acxiom Ltd.’s email services unit in August 2016.
Steinberg said another advantage of Disqus is that it gives Zeta a business focused on helping publishers, not just advertisers. He said one goal of the company is to “democratize the open web” and enable millions of independent websites to leverage their data.
“Many publishers have been squeezed by Facebook and Google and are looking for alternatives,” he said.
Steinberg said Zeta has no plans to change the way Disqus works — though he mentioned that the company’s service, which has sometimes slowed down the loading of websites that use it, has been improved recently. For his part, Disqus co-founder and CEO Daniel Ha said in a blog post that “not much is changing. Our team, our product offerings, terms, pricing, and vision to help publishers succeed remain the same.”
More acquisitions are surely on the way, as Steinberg allowed that “it’s highly probable there will be a 12th acquisition.” Although Zeta doesn’t reveal its revenue, sources close to the company have said it’s valued at $1.3 billion as of the latest fundraising. At that time, Steinberg acknowledged that the next step could be an initial public offering, though there’s no news on when that might happen.
-Justin Thyme-Two cents worth of opinion.
Fact is social media is being monopolized for the intent of censorship for profit and NWO Globalism!