Thursday, January 23, 2020

Asleep at the Wheel


Nancy Pelosi is a smart woman, or so we’ve been told. Shrewd, calculating, and ruthless are words also used to describe the current Speaker of the House. But for those of us paying attention, it’s become apparent she’s asleep at wheel. Consumed by the impeachment scam, hoping to damage the Trump brand beyond all repair; since beating him at the ballot box in November will be a near to impossible task, Pelosi is either ignoring the chaos brewing in her own party or she simply doesn’t care. There’s a perfect storm bearing down on the Democrats not limited to a growing contingent of unrelenting Bernie Sanders supporters, the Social Justice political action group’s recent auditions for congressional House seats, and the likelihood that Hillary Clinton will enter the 2020 Presidential race, exploiting a very weak slate of potential nominees.

The Democrats have no chance of winning back the White House with Bernie Sanders as their nominee for president, plain and simple. Sanders’ socialist ideology doesn’t resonate with a majority of Americans. And yet, Bernie’s poll numbers are right up there with Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. I loathe the polls as a true gauge of how Democrats may choose to vote in November, but the fact that he has numbers in the double digits ought to worry the Democrat leadership. Perhaps it does and perhaps it doesn’t -- who knows? They’re certainly keeping the cards close to their chest, focusing all their efforts on impeachment theatrics at the Senate trial. And while the sometimes Democrat front-runner Joe Biden continues to stumble, stutter, and can’t seem to keep track of where he is at any given moment on the campaign trail, the Sanders’ campaign machine marches on. It’s no surprise that Hillary Clinton took aim and fired off a salvo of disparaging remarks against Sanders; she most likely concluded Bernie is a force to be reckoned with this time around, and perhaps he won’t be easily placated with a new vacation home in trade for stepping aside. Nor will his supporters, who have vowed to upend the DNC convention should Sanders not be the nominee, but that isn’t the only fly in the House Speaker’s ointment.

Garnering almost no national media attention, the political action group Social Justice recently auditioned and hired 24 new actors to run for political office in 2020. Alarmingly, the two dozen newbies are primary challengers to Democrat-held seats in Congress. Keep in mind, this is the same group which assisted the “Squad” in their successful campaigns for Congress in 2018.  And while three of the four Squad ladies have numerous Republican and Democrat 2020 challengers in their districts, the incumbents are sitting on fat campaign chests of cash. It’s also interesting to note Squad member Sandy Ocasio-Cortez  promised Nancy Pelosi many more Social Justice “followers” would run for office in 2020 if Pelosi failed to embrace and promote the Social Justice political platform. Whether or not any of the 24 candidates will be able to oust entrenched Democrats remains to be seen. If you recall, in 2018, incumbent Joe Crowley thought his long-held NY seat was safe. He failed to mount a competitive campaign in his district and Nancy Pelosi lost a valuable ally. Gale force winds are brewing and speaking of an ill wind….

She’s back. In truth, Hillary Clinton never really went away. Not satisfied to lick her wounds, retire from politics and spend time with the grandkids, Hillary has purposely inserted herself into the national political discussion, whether she’s insulting President Trump, giving insipid speeches, or hawking books with her daughter. She accused Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian asset and then assailed Bernie Sanders, fuming that no one likes him and proceeded to claim that his political views are baloney. And as if we haven’t heard or seen enough of Hillary, a documentary on her 2016 Presidential election loss will headline at the Sundance Film Festival in a few days. Is she about to announce her candidacy or will she wait for a brokered convention to swoop in? Again, who knows? One thing is for certain, should Hillary attempt to hijack the Democrat presidential nomination, the anticipated civil war between America’s political parties will never come to fruition. It’s going to be a one-party bloodbath for Democrats.
Nancy, it’s time to wake the hell up.

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