Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Watch: Awkward Moment Teen Climate Actress Greta Thunberg Can’t Answer Softball Question From Media Without Script

Last week, the far-left TIME publication named teen climate actress, Greta Thunberg, their “Person of the Year.” Their decision left many people scratching their heads, wondering what the teenager from Sweden has actually done to deserve so much recognition from the media?

Many have questioned the teenager’s sudden ascension to worldwide fame. Is she a brilliant communicator with an uncanny knowledge of the global climate change religion? Is she truly passionate about saving the world from evil citizens who refuse to stop raising cattle, drive vehicles or fly in airplanes? Or was she simply put in the position of “spokesperson” for the climate religion fanatics because of her ability to act?

The teen climate activist, Greta Thunberg, achieved worldwide fame when she blasted onto the world stage in September 2019.

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words, and yet I’m one of the lucky ones!” The angry 16-year-old climate kid, Greta Thunberg ranted in a room filled with world leaders at the UN Climate Summit in New York City.

Thunberg, who looked like a typical child actor trying out for a role in an upcoming movie, admonished some of the most powerful people in the world with unfounded accusations and allegations, “People are suffering, people are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!?”

Thunberg attended a press conference at the UN Climate Summit, that curiously, received very little scrutiny from the press. Thunberg was asked “Greta, tell us, what kind of message would you send by doing this to world leaders,” adding, “Also can I ask you, do you think it’s about time that President Trump would respond to what you have said today?”

After a long, awkward pause, Thunberg asked, “Um… I think….I’m sorry, what was the first question?”

The reporter asked the question again.

Thunberg responded, “I think that the message that we want to send is that we’ve had enough.” Thunberg awkwardly turned to the other children on the panel and asked, “Does anyone else want to answer that question,” adding, “I can’t speak on behalf of everyone.”

The panel of climate kids was asked, “Does anyone else wish to answer—about a message to our leaders?”

The panel of child activists sat frozen without giving a single response.

Thunberg was asked again if she thought President Trump, who was attending the UN Climate Summit, should “respond in any way?”

Again, Thunberg dodged the question, saying, “I think maybe you should give some questions to the others, as well.”


One America News Network host Liz Wheeler blasted Thunberg’s parents and liberal activists who have used her as pawns in their sick scheme to convince the world that we need to dump trillions of dollars into the hands of government officials to fix th3e weather, or the world will come to an end.


In February, thousands of students in the UK skipped school to take part in a climate strike like the one that made Greta Thunberg famous. Students climbed historic monuments, held signs that were pre-printed by the Socialist Worker organization, and were arrested for blocking traffic as they sat in the middle of the road, while traffic moved around them.

These climate strikes are not grassroots efforts by kids; they are funded and organized by radical far-left groups who are more than happy to allow kids to fight their battles. According to Newsbusters – The ongoing, youth-led global climate strikes which took place again on Sept. 20, partnered with several organizations connected to liberal billionaires George Soros, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer, and media mogul and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The theatrical, climate alarmist Greta Thunberg, comes from a long line of dramatic actors. Her mother, Malena Ernmanhe, is a Swedish opera singer.

Thunberg’s father, Svante Thunberg, is an actor.

Her grandfather, Olof Thunberg, is also an actor and director. 

Is it any wonder that when asked a question without a pre-printed script, the child actress was unable to answer a simple question?

President Trump was criticized by fans of the child actress when he took a subtle jab at the doomsday climate kid, regarding her temperament during her performance in front of the world leaders. “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future,” he tweeted.
It’s not the first time the left has used a child actor to push their radical, far-left agenda.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton used a teenage girl actress 15-year-old Brennan Leach to stage a question designed to trash Trump at her Haverford, PA Townhall. What kind of woman would be okay with a young girl lying in front of an entire crowd of people for the sole purpose of making herself look good? Guess what Hillary? Asking young teenage girls to lie for you doesn’t look so good…

The owner of Youtube Spanglevision did some amazing investigative work to prove his case. From his Youtube video: Hillary has no shame; she used the 15-year-old child actor to further her anti-Trump narrative. What kind of role model is Hillary for women teaching teenage girls that cheating is an acceptable form of winning?

Brennan’s father is Daylin Leach a left-wing member of the PA House, who happened to mention how offended he was by Trump’s alleged “fat pig” comment in his Facebook post below.


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