Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Trump's Planning a Raucous, Yuge & Very Merry Trumpian Clapback to Democrats During Impeachment Vote

President Donald Trump points to supporters after speaking at his Black Voices for Trump rally Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, in Atlanta.

People have been camping out all night in sub-freezing weather to get a spot at President Trump's "Merry Christmas" rally in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Local news reporters say 10,000 people have been in line for hours – standing in 19ยบ temperatures – to get inside the 6,000-person Kellogg Arena to see Trump on the night he becomes only the third president in U.S. history to be impeached.
President Trump is trolling hard, timing the rally at the time Democrats scheduled their prime-time TV impeachment vote.

It's Trump's third rally in Michigan since he pierced the Democrats' "Blue Wall" and beat Hillary Clinton in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in 2016.
The Democrats have spent all this time working to impeach him.

That doesn't seem to bother the thousands waiting to get into the arena.

They've been heard chanting "four more years!"

We'll bring you live video of the rally as soon as it becomes available.

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