Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It Looks Like Rashida Tliab Forgot About Her ‘Impeach the Motherf**ker’ Remarks About Trump

The floor speeches are still ongoing up on the Hill. President Donald Trump will be impeached by the House. House Democrats will fulfill their 2018 campaign promise to their base to impeach the president simply because he won the 2016 election. They tried to hide it. They tried to say this wasn’t their end goal. Of course, it was—it’s been on their minds since day one of the Trump White House. To suggest that Democrats are unhappy about today’s vote is nonsense. They’ve been lusting for this for the past three years.

Russian collusion, which was exposed as a myth, was going to be their main line of attack before then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted his report which torpedoed that narrative. They needed something else. It could be anything. When Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) took to the House floor to give her speech, she invoked how the chamber honors veterans daily and their devotion to service, urging the body to do the same when it comes to honoring their oaths and to defend the Constitution as Americans, not as Republicans or Democrats. That’s quite a call for unity, right? It’s also completely covered in crap. Tlaib’s remarks when she entered Congress in 2018 exposes this whole circus, the entire Democratic Party façade on impeachment. She declared that the new House Democratic majority was going to “impeach the motherf**ker.” I know it seems like several years ago, but there you go. This outburst and Rep. Al Green’s (D-TX) declaration that the Democrats have to impeach Trump in order to prevent his re-election reveal the Left's true intent. We’re impeaching a president because Democrats don’t like him; they hate him. None of the articles that are about to be voted on today meets constitutional standards.

The Democrats have overplayed their hand. Trump will remain president. The swing states will become more favorable towards Trump, his approval rating will go up, the economy will still surge along strongly, and the Democrats will have wasted their majority on trying to impeach a duly elected president due to intense partisan hatred. Voters see it. And they will be punished for it come 2020.

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