Fox News host Tucker Carlson devoted a Tuesday night “Tucker Carlson Tonight” segment to describe what America will look like if Democrats regain control in 2020.
The segment featured clips of various Democratic 2020 presidential candidates and other prominent Democrats explaining their views on key issues from marijuana legalization to gun control to even the abolishment of prisons.
After a segment featuring Democratic views on drug legalization, Carlson set his sights on New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week tweeted her belief that prisons should eventually be abolished.
“Of course, there were no prisons before racists in America thought them up,” Carlson quipped. “So with no more prisons, presumably that will mean no more prisoners, right? So with all of those felons back on the street and in your neighborhood – hey, felons – you may suddenly be a little bit concerned about protecting yourself and your family, but tough. In Democratic America, self-defense will be banned because they are taking your guns.”
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The Fox News host then played a clip of Democrats talking about taking so-called assault weapons.
“By the way, that’ll make home invasions a little tougher to deal with,” said Carlson. “Lots of luck with that. Let’s hope you don’t get assaulted and need to go to a hospital, because in Democratic America you might find the hospitals a bit overcrowded. Why? Well, the left is giving free health care to the rest of the planet.”
Cue clips of Democrats supporting universal health care, even for illegal aliens.
“Raise your hand if you don’t want a single normal person to even consider voting for you ever,” said the Fox News host. “Free health care for illegal aliens. That’s quite an idea. How’s our already broke country going into pay for that? Here’s a calculator. You figure it out. But don’t even think about heading to a bar to drown your sorrows with a cocktail, and a steak. In the America of tomorrow, that will be banned too.”