Sunday, October 6, 2019

Swedenistan : Only 1 (!) in 10 newly arrived gimmegrants in Sweden have jobs

Slightly over 10 percent of working-age ‘asylum seekers’ who’ve arrived in Sweden since 2015 have jobs, a new government-sponsored study has revealed.

A study carried out by Statistics Sweden has indicated that migrant unemployment rates are sky high and that social welfare services are being disproportionately relied on by low-skilled migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, Aftonbladet reports.

The study examined statistics on how migrants who came in 2015 and after, who today have permanent residence permits, are sustaining themselves economically. What the study found was shocking.

The statistics showed that out of 40,019 migrants who are over 15-years-old, just 4,574 sustain themselves economically through some kind of employment. 18,405 get their livelihood from municipal support, whereas 9,970 receive economic sustenance from educational funding.

Aftonbladet, in its review of the study, notes: “Eight of the ten municipalities that received the most asylum seekers in 2015 have higher unemployment than the national average and all ten have a higher proportion of the population living on welfare.”

The municipality of Ljusnarsberg in Ă–rebro county, the county which received the highest number of migrants relative to its population (230 per 1,000 inhabitants), has seen their unemployment rate surge above 10 percent. Today, 22.9 of its residents are now on social welfare.

The same trend can be seen in the municipality of Norberg in Västmanland County, a city that received the second-highest share of migrants relative to its population. Here, the unemployment rate is currently at 8.6, while 16.9 percent of residents are receiving social welfare.

Per Lundborg, an economist and academic, says that the solution to the growing problem is to construct an economy that has more simple and low-skilled jobs that do not require education or extensive training.

“Sweden is one of the most high-tech countries in the world, where we streamline simpler jobs. Therefore, the knowledge gap is too large for many of the refugee immigrants who come here,” Lundborg said.

For Lundborg, the only way to solve this problem is for Sweden to construct a labor market with an “increased share of easier jobs” that will allow for newly arrived immigrants to integrate fully into Swedish society.

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