Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Planned Parenthood to Spend $45M to Beat Trump, Flip Senate

Planned Parenthood announced Monday it expects to spend $45 million or more during the 2020 election season, with the goal of winning the White House and snatching the Senate from Republicans.

“The stakes are higher than ever, and we’re coming out more powerfully than ever with the largest investment we’ve ever made,” Kelley Robinson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Votes, told the Hill.

The effort is expected to be focused in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The nation’s largest abortion business plans to tell voters Republicans have led a “coordinated attack” in state legislatures to curb access to abortion with the goal of overturning Roe v. Wade at the U.S. Supreme Court.

“To all the politicians working to take away our rights and undermine access to health care — you’ve been warned,” Robinson said. “We have steadily been building our power over the last decade and we are ready to set the table on our terms. We are fired up, we are engaged, and we are going to win.”

Planned Parenthood Action Fund also boasted in a press release, “Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations are an elections powerhouse,” and added:

Together, we elected the most pro-choice, pro-reproductive health House of Representatives ever. Together, we helped to put reproductive health champions in control of multiple state legislatures where they can protect our rights and our access to care. We show up and we show out to ensure that all people — no matter how much money they make, where they live, their sexual orientation, etc. — have access to the full range of comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare, including abortion, no matter what.

“We know we can win,” Planned Parenthood said. “Public opinion is on our side.”

Lila Rose, president of pro-life organization Live Action, said Planned Parenthood’s announcement of its intention to spend $45 million to help get pro-abortion politicians elected is yet another sign of its “ruthless prioritization of politics and their bottom line over women’s health care.”
Rose continued:
The nation’s largest abortion chain – which ends the lives of 921 preborn children per day, committing over 300,000 abortions per year – receives about half a billion dollars from tax payers every year thanks to pro-abortion politician. Americans shouldn’t be forced to fund a pro-abortion political advocacy group which has chosen to spend tens of millions to secure its government revenue streams while destroying human lives.

Planned Parenthood continues to assert, “This election will determine our access to birth control,” though women are purchasing birth control at many drugstores and supermarkets.

The organization described President Donald Trump as someone “who is determined to crush our reproductive rights.”

The group said it plans to work heavily to mobilize young black, Hispanic, and LGBTQ voters.

Planned Parenthood recently opted out of the federal Title X family planning funding when the Trump administration decided to enforce the rule that recipients of funds from the program cannot perform or refer for abortions. About $60 million in funding that had been granted to Planned Parenthood through Title X in the past was then redirected to comprehensive healthcare providers that do not perform abortions.

Nevertheless, Planned Parenthood still receives over $500 million annually in taxpayer funding through Medicaid reimbursements.

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