Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Obama Involved in Canadian Federal Election

Colluding with the Liberal Party of Canada, Ex-US President Barack Obama became involved in Canada’s federal election today—five days before Canadian voters go to the polls on October 21.
“Here’s what Barack Obama had to say this afternoon,” boasted the Liberty Party of Canada in an email to millions of Canadians.

“I was proud to work with Justin Trudeau as president.  He’s a hard working, effective leader who takes on big issues like Climate Change.  The world needs his progressive leadership now, and I hope our neighbors to the north support him for another term,” Obama wrote in his endorsement.

Obama, who maintains a low profile as America’s self-appointed “Resistance” Leader in a multi-million-dollar mansion within walking distance of the White House, is one of the main players in the long-running hoax, accusing President Donald Trump of “colluding” with the Russians in the 2016 presidential race.

The last time the Globalist Obama meddled in a Canadian election he was ensconced in the White House.

‘Time to Kick Obama Election Campaign Experts Out of Canada’.  Canada Free Press, Oct. 20, 2015.
…” A gloating CBC credited the Obama Ground Team sent to Canada last year to ensure election victory for the Liberals in tonight’s outcome.  Members of Obama’s election team—who   revolutionized data mining for political campaigns—shared it with Trudeau, and the rest is now history.” 
“All this happened while Canada had the strongest and soundest banking system in the world,  and of the world’s top industrialized nations, fared best in the 2007-2008 economic downturn thanks to the leadership of Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
“When word first leaked out that key Obama campaign workers had joined the Trudeau election campaign, the mainstream media continued to look the other way.
Most progressive Democrats see Trudeau as another progressive.
Back in 2016 former Obama vice president Joe Biden rated Trudeau as “world leader”. (Politico, Dec. 9, 2016)
“Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday night that the world needs Canada “very, very badly” and that the world will look to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, according to several media outlets.”
“The world is going to spend a lot of time looking to you Mr. Prime Minister. Viva la Canada because we need you very, very badly,” Biden said during a Canadian state dinner held in his honor.”
The hypocrisy of Barack Obama endorsing Trudeau five days out from the October 21st federal election is both breathtaking and unprecedented.

Millions of average Canadians have had enough of the scandal-plagued Liberal Party and of their leader Justin Trudeau, a married man, father of three who continues to self-identify as a “Feminist”.
Canadians who are reading this article can do much better than to just tell Obama “Back Off Barack!”,  by getting out on Election Day and voting for the candidate and party of their choice.

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