Tuesday, October 22, 2019

WEXIT - Kick Ottawa to the curb. Elect Members of Parliament loyal to Western Canada.


Preamble: Wexit Canada is a voluntary association of Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Western Canadians, who share a commitment to Economic Liberty, Social Stability, and the Sovereignty of Western Canadian provinces.

Economic Liberty is defined as being free to pursue legal means of income, unburdened by taxation unrelated to essential government services, or regulation that is not objectively designed to prevent a public hazard. The raising of any public monies unrelated to the delivery of essential government services is subject to direct referendum.

Social Stability is defined as advancing policy, legislation, and civil structures that protect and enhance the health, safety, and well-being of all Western Canadians, while limiting and removing entities that undermine this objective. This includes promoting the benevolence and goodwill between all Western Canadians, while limiting and removing factors that disrupt this possibility. Western civilization is the bedrock of social stability.

The Sovereignty of Western Canadian Provinces is defined as the recognition and practice of Western Canadians enjoying the right and privileges of national sovereignty through sole governance and legislation of the affairs of the land, waters, mineral, and other natural resources of Western Canada, in addition to the economic and social structures that apply to Western Canadians. Western Canada is a sovereign republic, and has no subordination or obligation to the British Monarchy, Government of Canada, or United Nations. All proposed international treaties are subject to direct referendum.

Economic Liberty: We will achieve an overall personal income tax rate of 15%-19% by:
  • Abolishing all special interest spending.
  • Removing non-value added government services.
  • Abolishing Federal Income Tax and GST.
  • Delivering essential government services only.
  • End public investment in unreliable energy technology, such as wind and solar.
  • Robust surface and subsurface land owner and property rights.
We will ensure that Western Canada remains friendly, open, and attractive to businesses by:

  • Reducing corporate taxes to 7%, while maintaining current royalty formula.
  • Abolishing speculative and non-value added industrial regulations.
  • Ensure that regulations imposed directly and objectively relate to employee safety; and prevention and reclamation of any air, soil, and water pollution.
  • Offer further incentives for maintaining a 100% Western Canadian work-force.
  • Offer further incentives for the relocation of manufacturing operations to Western Canada.
  • Offer further incentives for the development of shale and nuclear technology.
  • Taking punitive measures against jurisdictions blocking Western Canada’s economic progress.

Social Stability: We will ensure that Western Canada protects individual rights, while preserving public order, thus allowing for a high quality of life by:

  • Ensure mandatory and available addictions and mental health treatment for Western Canada’s homeless and other at-risk populations.
  • Protect Seniors through a stable and portable Western Canadian Pension Plan; Explore solutions to lower cost of living and support in-home care; Choice in healthcare.
  • Invest in communities through subsidy of dental care, non-generic prescriptions, youth sport, conditional student loan forgiveness, and qualified higher education via resource royalty revenue.
  • Alleviate courtroom backlogs and prioritize serious criminal cases through de-regulating divorce and matrimonial property disputes. Removing judicial prejudice against men in family court.
  • Promote immigration in accordance with economic and social need.
  • Impose severe penalties for murder, terrorism, sexual assault, and drug trafficking.
  • Assist Western Canadian First Nations in compensation claims against the Federal Government and institutional partners for genocide and other abuses.
  • Protecting Western Canadians from discriminatory on-line censorship.
  • Ensuring that publicly funded schools teach the importance of Western Canada’s energy industry, while protecting the rights of parents in matters regarding sexuality or religion.
  • Outlawing groups whose primary objective or effect is racial agitation, or social chaos.

Western Canada Sovereignty: We will ensure that Western Canada remains sovereign, and no way subordinate to the Government of Canada, British Crown, or the United Nations by:

  • Universal Declaration of Independence from Canada and secession from the British Commonwealth; Establishment of a Western Canada Constitution to be citizen ratified via direct referendum; Delivery of all essential national government services; Head of state to be an elected President of Western Canada with an appointed cabinet. Establishment of an elected senate.
  • Withdraw from United Nations agreements that erode Western Canadian Sovereignty, including but not limited to the UN Compact on Migration, the Paris Climate Accord, and Agenda 2030.
  • Enhance economic, military, and geo-political cooperation with the United States of America.
  • Establish a functional defence force.
  • Establish a Western Canadian National Police and Provincial Sheriff Program. Abolish the RCMP.
  • Adoption of a Western Canadian National Currency, backed by resources, and balanced by citizen debt nationalization and student loan forgiveness.
  • Seek and negotiate the terms of confederation with like-minded sovereign jurisdictions ONLY if given a mandate by citizens of Western Canada via referendum.
  • Direct Democracy/Referendum for proposed legislation not included in election platform; Punitive sanctions for breaking election promises.
  • Return the power of legislation to elected officials. Judges determine constitutionality before law is passed.

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