Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hunter Biden Cashed In to Fuel His Drug and Sex Habits

Say what you want about the Trump kids, none of them have been found with a crack pipe on them. The same can’t be said for Hunter Biden. I picked up the New York Post yesterday morning and found an informative reprint from The Intercept by Ryan Grim, who details Hunter’s dirtbaggery, including this revealing tidbit: “One particularly out-of-control bender, which included a crack pipe found in a rental car, took place while Biden was making $50,000 a month serving on the board of [the Ukrainian company] Burisma.”

Therein lies one of the obvious motives for his shameless cashing in on his last name. For years he has had a very expensive drug habit. Drugs aren’t cheap, and neither are loose women — two of Hunter’s favorite pastimes.

Earlier this year, Hunter got hit with a paternity suit by a woman in Arkansas. Then there are his Ashley Madison troubles: Hunter’s name turned up in its subscriber data after the dating site for adulterers got hacked. Popped, Hunter tried to explain it away as a dirty trick by the Russians. But reporter Patrick Howley traced the breached subscriber data back to the school where Hunter was teaching:
[A]ccount information shows that the profile, which was confirmed by a credit card purchase in 2014, was used at the latitude/longitude point of 38.912682, -77.071704. That latitude-longitude point just happens to exist on the Georgetown University campus, at an administrative building on Reservoir Road. And Hunter Biden just happened to be teaching there around the time the account was set up.
Hunter didn’t let his teaching stint at Catholic Georgetown interfere with his extramarital hobbies. He also sits on the advisory board for Catholic Charities in Washington, D.C. He is a chip off the old block, wrapping himself in Catholicism while blowing off its teachings.

Not that Joe Biden is as seedy as his son, although his inability to keep his hands off women may have proved formative for young Hunter. Another poor influence on Hunter was his low-rent lobbyist uncle, James Biden, who has been cashing in on his brother’s last name for years, according to Ryan Grim: “In trading on his father’s name and power to advance his career, Hunter Biden is following in the footsteps of James Biden, Joe’s younger brother.”

At one point, Hunter and his uncle worked for the same phony-baloney financial firm — that is, until “Paradigm Global Advisors” went bust in 2010.

I had to laugh when I heard Hunter the other day on ABC say that his “experience” for his influence-peddling board work in China and Ukraine was another nepotistic gig: serving on the board of Amtrak, which is famous for indulging Joe Biden’s vanity and interests. (Also, few people would consider work for the chronically failing Amtrak as “experience” to boast.)

Hunter clearly needed the easy money to pay off his many drug debts and rehab visits. According to the New Yorker, Hunter has been to rehab at least five times and once had a crack dealer pull a gun on him. After testing positive for cocaine use, he got bounced from the Navy Reserve.

His cavortings have proven no less messy. He got sexually involved with his dead brother’s wife, then crossed the country to live in Los Angeles after the relationship dissolved, only to enter into a quickie wedding with a South African woman whom he had known for less than two weeks. ABC reported that Joe Biden told his son’s freshly minted wife, after learning of the spontaneous wedding, “Thank you for giving my son the courage to love again” — a line so laughable only the tacky Joe Biden could come up with it.

Hunter Biden makes Hugh and Tony Rodham, Hillary’s comically scummy brothers, look abstemious. And yet there Hunter was on ABC a few mornings ago, crying at the thought of what the amoral Donald Trump has done to “the presidency.” You see, Hunter was taught by his pop to “revere” the presidency, and it makes him really, really sad to see it fall into the hands of such a vulgarian. Poor Hunter also didn’t anticipate that Rudy Giuliani was going to play so dirty “with this ridiculous conspiracy idea.”

Like all nabbed liberals, Hunter is hoping that anti-Trump special pleading will absolve him of his sins. No doubt it will it many quarters of the chattering class, who chunter on about Rudy’s “hand grenade” and how he has “blown” himself and Trump up. These pundits never mention the damage it has done to Hunter Biden and his father’s faltering campaign. Nor do they note the irony of Joe Biden on the campaign trail fretting over the “example” Trump is setting for the nation’s children while his own child self-destructs.

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