Sunday, October 6, 2019


Perhaps he’ll have a different opinion about the publicly available Trump-Ukraine transcript

Deep State Strikes Again: Second Ukraine 'Whistleblower' Comes Forward With 'Firsthand Knowledge'

A second intelligence community whistleblower who doesn’t think Joe Biden should be investigated for corruption has come forward with “first-hand” knowledge of complaints against President Trump’s efforts to encourage Ukraine to do so.
The second whistleblower, represented by the same team of attorneys as the first one, has reportedly spoken with the intelligence community inspector general, Michael Atkinson. According to ABC News, they have not spoken with Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) House Intelligence Committee like the first whistleblower. It is unknown if they are also a CIA employee or a registered Democrat.
“I can confirm that my firm and my team represent multiple whistleblowers,” said Andrew Bakaj – lead attorney for the first whistleblower (and who worked for both Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer – and donated to Joe Biden).
Mark Zaid, another attorney representing the initial whistleblower, said that a second whistleblower has come forward with firsthand knowledge of some of the allegations described in the initial complaint, which describe efforts by Mr. Trump to press his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate a political rival. -WSJ
That said, we’ve all read the original whistleblower complaint and the transcript of the phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky in which Trump clearly does not use pressure or offer a quid pro quo as originally claimed. It will be interesting to discover what additional insight the second whistleblower can provide.
Attorney Mark Zaid who represents the second whistleblower said that both officials have full protection of the law.
BULL SHEET! There is no such thing as a CIA "whistleblower".... As Dr. Steve Pieczenik explains here, CIA are all CIA are "xcepted" personnel under direct control of the POTUS who can fire them at will without cause, they operte under both domestic law and military code, so Trump should just fire them and send them to courts martial on treason charges.

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