Thursday, October 17, 2019

CNN Supervisor Says 'Hopefully' Trump Dies Soon in New Undercover Video

Project Veritas released the third of its “Expose CNN” undercover videos Thursday, and in it a network production manager can be heard saying he hopes President Donald Trump dies “soon.”

Through the approximately 15-minute video, various CNN employees lament the current state of the network, saying it focuses too much on Trump at the expense of covering the news.

“This is a story that’s not going to go away,” Gerald Sisnette, a field production supervisor at CNN, said in the video. “The only way this will go away is when he [Trump] dies. Hopefully soon.”

Scott Garber, a senior field engineer at CNN, told Project Veritas’ network insider Cary Poarch, “We used to cover news. We used to go out and do stories, and we used to cover s—. … But Trump is more important.”

CNN Technical Operations Supervisor Adia Jacobs said the network’s president, Jeff Zucker, is driving the constant coverage of the president.

“When Zucker took over, it wasn’t until Trump that we ended up being all Trump all the time,” Jacobs said.

CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville agreed with Jacobs’ assessment: “He [Zucker] basically said f— all the other stories.”

Mike Brevna, a floor manager at the network, told Poarch, “It’s the Trump Network, dog. It’s like everything is all Trump. They are not even thinking about anybody else.

“They sold themselves to the devil. It’s sad because there is so much news going on out there, but they don’t cover none of it.”

Some of the harshest criticism of the network that billed itself the “Most Trusted Name in News” came from 25-year veteran employee Patrick Davis, manager of field operations at CNN.

“I hate seeing what we were and what we could be and what we’ve become. It’s just awful,” Davis said. “I mean, we could be so much better than what we are. … And the buck stops with him [Zucker]. … He’s involved every day, has a plan, whatever. I just don’t agree with it.”

Davis further revealed he hasn’t listened to the network’s morning editorial rundown calls on coverage priorities for years.

“Just, I can’t listen to it. It’s all bulls—. It’s all just a bunch of bulls—. And I wish that wasn’t the case,” he said.

“Even though we’re totally left-leaning, we’re not, we don’t want to admit it,” Davis said later in the video.

The executive also discussed the double standard regarding the current impeachment push against Trump for his July call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky versus how former President Barack Obama was treated following his hot mic moment with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in the spring of 2012 in the heat of Obama’s re-election campaign.

“What’s crazy to me is Obama was caught on camera. … ‘Wait till I get into office and I have more room to negotiate. I have more flexibility,’ and I’m going, ‘Holy s—.’

“But then Trump’s getting hammered for twisting an arm, you know what I mean? I don’t know, man. He has survived everything up to this point.”

Davis voiced his belief that the Democratic-led House is “crazy enough” to go through with the president’s impeachment on the dubious grounds of abuse of power.

“What he was doing is nothing compared to what these a–holes [in Congress] are doing on a daily basis, right?” he said.

Poarch, who left CNN after the first “Expose CNN” video came out, hopes the network and other establishment media outlets will return to reporting the news instead of trying to “create it” to their liking.

“I want CNN and any other outlet to basically return to what they once were, where hey, we tune in to get our facts. We can make up our minds left, right, center, whatever. Cool, and we go on with our lives,” he said.

“I don’t want anyone to basically, you know, be spun into believing or programmed into believing one way or the other. That’s not what I’m about, and that’s why I’m coming forward.”

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