Saturday, October 5, 2019

Amazing Coincidence That Nancy Pelosi’s Son Also Has Business Connections With Ukraine

If you’re wondering why Nancy Pelosi is laying low as the effervescent maelstrom of corruption and influence peddling descends upon Joe Biden’s hairplugs, we may have the answer. She has a son of her own involved in oil importing from Ukraine. He even used his Mom to promote his business.
When Pelosi, Jr., was asked about the purpose of his visit at the time, this is how he responded:

Pelosi, executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, was asked why he was in Kiev.

“Today we’re here to talk about soccer,” Pelosi said.
“We recently got an endorsement from the world sports alliance and we’ve spoken with the Ukraine government about collaboration for soccer for young people,” he said.

“Ukraine has a great history in soccer and we hope to share in that tradition going forward.”

The House Minority Leader’s son’s work there is curious, given the Democrats’ attempts to collaborate with Ukraine to attack Donald Trump.

You can see Paul Pelosi, Jr., in the video below beginning at about 0:31.

Junior Pelosi’s company, Viscoil is under investigation for securities fraud. It seems as though the public management of the company, which included Paul Pelosi, Jr., as President and COO, was actually a Potemkin arrangement that hid the fact that the company was actually controlled by a pair of convicted felons.

So now we have two major Democrats with kids involved in financial dealings in Ukraine. We also know that Ukraine was involved in trying to assist the Clinton campaign to dig up evidence of wrongdoing by Paul Manfort. My guess is that there is a lot more lurking out there once President Trump motivates what passes for law enforcement in Ukraine to start investigating in earnest.

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