Friday, September 27, 2019

The new Left: The adults are all brain dead, so CHILDREN are rolled out as their intellectual “leaders” to demand global obedience

The Democratic Party is currently a ship without a captain, which would explain why the climate lobby has decided to start propping up children as its “leaders” to carry the torch in preaching leftist climate doctrines to the masses.
Dinosaur leftists like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden simply aren’t effective mouthpieces anymore, seeing as how these three can barely speak coherent sentences these days. This is why we’re seeing the Greta Thunberg and David Hoggs suddenly appearing out of nowhere to take their place.
Since many of these so-called “adult” leftists are clearly struggling with basic cognitive function, impressionable youth are now the targets of leftist exploitation. I mean, who wouldn’t listen to the wisdom of mere babes, am I right?
This is what the Left is going with, anyway, in a desperate attempt to pull at the heartstrings of Democrats who are gullible enough to say, “Oh, how cute! Climate change must be real if that adorable little girl is talking so eloquently about it.”
Just like Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has repeatedly warned, the Democratic Party has spiraled into the party of mental illness, as many of its elder leadership tumults into literal insanity.
Take Joe Biden, for instance. The guy can barely think straight as he bumbles incoherently at many of his campaign rallies. One report describes Biden as being “mentally in decline,” as demonstrated by his many recent gaffes.
“Biden’s inability to formulate coherent sentences and recall basic facts are not ‘gaffes’ in the traditional clichéd sense, as any reasonable person observing his performance on the campaign trail could acknowledge,” writes Michael Tracey for Spectator USA.
“They are mounting evidence of cognitive decline.”
Or how about Hillary Clinton, who infamously suffered a seizure while being interviewed on the campaign trail. Clinton also had to be shoved into a van after suffering an alleged “heat” episode while in New York City for 9/11 festivities back in 2016.
Nancy Pelosi is another prominent example of mental illness on display, as she routinely has trouble finishing a sentence and getting out a complete thought.
What this all suggests is that “adult” leftists have become the walking dead, and now have to take advantage of children to do their bidding. Perhaps mental illness is among the long-term consequences of embracing a leftist worldview?
It would seem as only the “fresh crop” of climate youths have any semblance of functioning neurology, which is why they’re now being paraded around all over the news as the “voices” of the “future.”
Like scripted puppets, people like Hogg and Thunberg are the means by which the globalists are hoping to implement their global system of control, with “climate change” as their excuse to do so in violation of the Constitution.
“If any Republican showed all these symptoms, the entire leftist media would be demanding they step aside for health reasons,” Adams wrote back when the mainstream media was completely ignoring Hillary Clinton’s obvious mental failures while running for president in 2016.
“Yet Hillary’s very obvious seizures and neurological fits are beyond alarming … they are clear signs that Hillary Clinton is neurologically unfit to serve as President of the United States,” he added.
The same is true for Biden, Pelosi, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and many other leftists who are similarly having trouble functioning like normal human beings when speaking to the public. So why not pad the ranks with impressionable children instead?
“She is too young for this,” writes Jay Nordlinger for National Review, referring to Thunberg and the inappropriate nature of her and other underage children being exploited like this by the Left.
“Cheers for Greta make me uncomfortable; jeers, even more so. The involvement of youngsters this way gives me the creeps.”

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