Sunday, September 8, 2019

Smith: I almost felt sorry for Trudeau, until I came to my senses

A smug American comedian almost succeeded in making me feel sorry for our prime minister this week. Then another setback by the Federal Court of Appeal on the Trans Mountain decision knocked me to my senses. Taken together both reveal just how severely Justin Trudeau has imperilled Canada’s economy.
On Sunday, a 20-minute takedown interview by Patriot Act star Hasan Minhaj aired on Netflix and it has been described as a devastating public relations blunder for Trudeau. The first half does a pretty good job going through the various missteps and hypocrisies of the prime minister, starting with his embarrassing India trip, through a recap of the SNC-Lavalin Affair, all the way through to the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia.
Some hits were especially devastating, like when Minhaj sears Trudeau for being a fake feminist, and his penchant for apologies (except when it counts).
Minhaj praises post-nationalist Trudeau for inviting the world to Canada’s doorstep with his welcome-to-Canada tweet heard around the world, then seems shocked that it resulted in an immigration backlash, particularly in Quebec with its secular law banning religious apparel in public service jobs.
He even points out that Trudeau’s 32 per cent popularity is lower than Donald Trump, who is at 41 per cent.
As much as I can revel in a bit of schadenfreude for our pompous prime minister getting his comeuppance by an even more pompous American, about halfway through it stops being funny. Minhaj’s interview may have been bad for Trudeau, but it is even worse for Alberta.
Minhaj saved his most devastating blows for talking about Alberta’s oilsands, which he acknowledges is the third-largest oil reserve in the world, and which he calls the tarsands because they “are dirty and gunky, mixed in with sand, and refining it causes a ton of pollution.” To his credit, Trudeau does a good job explaining how pipelines are a better way to transport oil than rail or trucking and talks about how Canadians know we can balance the environment and the economy.
Minhaj would have none of it, though, and he proceeds to damn Trudeau with his own words, saying Trudeau sold himself hard as the guy who would “get the Paris agreement done,” calling him a “climate hero,” a “one-man PR team for the environment,” pointing out that climate change was his “signature issue,” and even saying he would be what the Green New Deal would be like “if it had piercing eyes and wanted to read you poetry” — whatever that means.
For Canadians, it’s jarring to hear an American complain about the twinning of an existing pipeline when the U.S. has 116,000 kilometres of crude oil pipelines, the largest network in the world. It’s shocking to hear an American complain about the expansion of Trans Mountain to carry 890,000 bpd, when the U.S. approved three new pipelines in the last three years that will carry 2.4 million bpd. And it’s beyond belief an American would be outraged by our tanker shipments going from 60 to 400 a year from Burnaby, when tanker exports from the U.S. Gulf Coast are now at their highest ever.
Minhaj joins a long list of celebrity hypocrites that includes Al Gore, David Suzuki, James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jane Fonda and the like — acting as if Canada is solely to blame for the world’s use of crude and expecting us to bear the sole obligation to stop producing it.
I’ve been perplexed for some time about why it is that wealthy, fossil-fuel guzzling stars target us. Minhaj finally explains why we in Canada are held to a higher standard than anyone else.
In an homage to the Black Panther comic book hero, Minhaj ends the segment by telling Trudeau he is the White Panther presiding over WaKanada and that our country is “a proving ground for whether progressive policies can work.”
Think about that: the progressives of the world want Canada to be a demonstration project, proving that we can support mass immigration, eliminate poverty, offer free health care to all, maintain pristine landscapes, while choking off the principal source of wealth that allows us to accomplish all those things.
As I said, I almost felt sorry for Trudeau. But he’s to blame for the pickle we find ourselves in, by raising expectations that could never possibly have been met. No wonder celebrities think we live in a movie.

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