Monday, September 30, 2019

Scott Pelley Leads 60 Minutes Impeachment Coverage With Lie: “Whistleblower Under Federal Protection”…

CBS Reporter Scott Pelley led the broadcast of 60-Minutes presentation of the House impeachment of Donald Trump with a stunning claim:

“Tonight, “60 Minutes” has obtained a letter that indicates the government whistleblower who set off the impeachment inquiry of President Trump is under federal protection, because he or she fears for their safety.”

The claim is quite something.  A CIA operative that needs to be put under federal protection?  Wow. Immediately CNN and the media pounced on the opportunity to promote the “whistleblower” as a victim.

Except, they encountered one problem…. it’s not true.   Scott Pelley made it up.
Even one of the lawyers for the CIA whistleblower, Mark S. Zaid, had to try and clean up CBS’s false narrative:  “60 Minutes completely misinterpreted the contents of our letter.”
Heck, if this is the propaganda within the pre-impeachment coverage, can you even imagine how much false media propaganda is yet to come….
UPDATE:  In a rather remarkable turn-of-events, CBS says they stand by their reporting and their sources…..  However, their sources are the ‘whistleblower’s’ lawyers.  The lawyers, aka the “CBS sources”, say CBS is fake news:

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