Saturday, August 31, 2024

Klaus Schwab Says WEF Will Unleash “An Era Of Shock Events” To Bring About A Globalist NWO

Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” is over, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is shifting gears with plans to unleash “an era of shock events” that will catalyze the transition to a globalist-led new world order (NWO).

Article by Ethan Huff, republished with permission from

The WEF is warning the world about this coming shock event era to prepare everyone for the horrors that are slated to come next, including the reduction of the United States from global superpower to just another globalist-controlled third-world dystopia.

“Since the pandemic eased, the reality is we haven’t had enduring global leadership on much, and it’s hard to imagine that changing soon,” the WEF says about how the existing political landscape is crumbling. “This is partly because superpowers are terribly burdened with global wars and domestic challenges.”

The WEF’s solution to this is of course a transition from individual nation-states to a global governance scheme where all countries of the world are controlled from the top down, pyramid style.

Since 2024 is another election year, the WEF is also focused on that. The threat of “disinformation” spreading during “the biggest election year in history” means that the world needs a global censorship scheme both online and in the streets, according to the WEF.

“People have fought back in all political systems, driven by a conviction that there must be a better, more effective way to govern,” the WEF says.

“In most countries, even after their vote, citizens will continue to challenge their leaders, questioning whether they have the capacity to tackle our many post-pandemic risks.”

Reading between the lines, the WEF is basically saying that civil unrest is on the rise due to the policies it helped implement that have tyrannized We the People and left people angry and demanding answers. Rather than quit the tyranny train, the WEF wants to amplify it with plans to crush any uprising or rebellion before it gets the chance to take hold.

(Related: Some people have described George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates as an “unholy trinity” of globalist architects who want to control the world: past, present and future.)

More people than ever are mentally ill due to destructive globalism

The WEF fully recognizes that its globalist agenda is destroying people’s minds, leaving hundreds of millions if not billions of people with ever-worsening mental illness. The mental health crisis worsened considerably as a result of the COVID “pandemic” and all the government tyranny that came with it.

There is a “new type of anxiety,” the WEF says, that is “leading to a sense of alienation that makes it hard to function and even suicide. Much of this is being driven by things like climate change hysteria, constant fearmongering about an economic collapse or global crisis, and newfound claims that upwards of 50 percent of the existing human employee population being replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) robots over the next several years.

As for the other “shock events” that the WEF is foretelling, these include the threat of:

1) A new global extremist group emerging to ignite chaos around the world
2) A new cyber ‘pandemic” that takes down the internet and possibly all things electronic
3) Global warming disasters that lay waste to entire societies and their economies

The WEF predicts that while the world is “distracted with multiple major wars and leadership in decline,” the globalists will catalyze a “new extremist group” to install as the world’s new age governing body, along with a “new phase of terrorism” to keep people scared and in check.

“The massive global IT outage in July 2024 led to $5.4 billion in damages,” says Martin Armstrong, writing for Armstrong Economics. “Was that a test?”

“The forum warns that we should expect a ‘grander scale’ of cyber-attacks that will attack BANKS, hospitals, and retailers and lead to a halt in worldwide services. Flights will be impacted and the people will be forced to stay in place.”

The latest news about the ongoing controlled demolition of the current world order can be found at

Sources for this article include:


SAVED From The YouTube Purge: Klaus Schwab Admits It All On Video

This video has been deleted all across the internet.

Gone from Twitter…

Gone from YouTube…

I’ve even heard of some being deleted off Bitchute.

But after hours of searching I was able to find it.

It’s the “super edit” of all things said by that creep Klaus Schwab.

Or as some of you have nicknamed him: “Anal Schwab”.

I like that one.

But this really is no laughing matter.

Complete with even the evil German accent, this guy is like someone wrote a super-villain for a Hollywood movie and he somehow got loose in the real world.

Who says these kinds of things?

If you have ever doubted that they want to create a mass genocide of the human population and “reduce the population to 500 million” (see Georgia Guidestones) look no further that what this guy is saying publicly.

He probably thought we’d never piece it all together.

They like to “hide in plain sight”.

Too bad we’re paying attention now and millions of people have now been Red Pilled.

Can’t hide in plain sight any longer.

Folks, let me say it plainly: all the events you see playing out right now on the world stage are not random chance.

They’re not just due to some “bad actors”.

They’re staged in advance, carefully crafted.

Listen to what he says in this video: the change is crafted!

He also admits how he controls cabinets and governments all over the world!  Just like we’ve told you!  All caught on video!

They plot all this evil, all the sickness, all the wars….all to bring about the “change” they want.  The “chaos” they want.  It’s all deliberate.

And you and I pay the price.

Watch it safely here on Rumble:

Even more here:

EXPOSED: Klaus Schwab Admits To “Penetrating The Cabinets” Of Most World Governments

I have been looking for this video for a long time and finally found it today!

It’s from 2017.

It’s that super creepy Klaus Schwab bragging so proudly on camera about how he “penetrates the cabinets” of most major world governments.

But that’s not all.

He goes on to name every single person who he placed in power.

Ready for the list?

Merkel (Germany)

Putin (Russia)

Trudeau (Canada)

Argentina’s President

Macron (France)

He says over half of Trudeau’s cabinet has been “captured by the World Economic Forum” which is Klaus Schwab’s very creepy, unelected, “elite” group he uses to control the world.

He then confirmed that not only does he control the Presidents of Argentina and France (Macron) but he says he controls over half their cabinets as well.

And he says it all with that super creepy, Adolph Hitler style German accent.

If you were casting an evil villain in a movie, they’d say it was too over the top and too unbelievable if you picked this creepy looking guy and gave him the most textbook German accent you could find.

But that, my friends, is Klaus Schwab.

I saved the video on Rumble, watch here:

Here’s more:

It’s not a conspiracy when they admit it!

Woke and Politicized US Army Condemns Trump for Taking Photos with Gold Star Families in Arlington Cemetery – But Said NOTHING When Joe Biden Did It

The US Army condemned President Trump for taking photos with the family of a Gold Star hero in Arlington Cemetery this week. The US Army did not condemn Joe Biden for taking photos in Arlington in 2010. Maybe the US Army should focus on winning wars?

Maybe the US Army should focus more on winning wars and not on playing politics with the former President!

President Trump honors the 13 US Servicemen and women who were killed at the Kabul Airport during the disastrous and humiliating US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

President Trump on Monday honored the 13 US service members who lost their lives three years ago outside the Kabul Airport in Afghanistan at the hands of a suicide bomber.

President Trump attended the service and was joined by several families and service members who lost loved ones that day during Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and surrender to the Taliban.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not bother to attend the ceremony. Joe was and is still on vacation. Kamala and Tampon Tim were out campaigning somewhere.

It was the three-year anniversary of the Kabul Airport bombing attack that killed 13 US servicemen and women and dozens of Afghans.

NEVER FORGET — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Joint Chief Chairman Mark Milley, and CentCom Commander General Kenneth McKenzie all knew about the Kabul Airport terrorist bomber at the Abbey Gate hours in advance.

The top US military leaders knew that the Abbey Gate Soldiers were at the greatest risk.

Commanders calling in from Kabul relayed that the Abbey Gate, where American citizens had been told to gather to gain entrance to the airport, was “highest risk” and detailed their plans to protect it.

13 US servicemen and women were killed in the attack.

Following the ceremony President Trump spent time with the families and took photos in Arlington Cemetery where heroes are laid to rest.

The families of the victims invited President Trump to join them in Arlington Cemetery that day for the ceremony. Joe Biden was NOT invited by the Gold Star families to attend the event.

The far-left legacy media spent the rest of this week — not honoring the fallen heroes (they really don’t care) but instead attacking President Trump for taking photos in Arlington Cemetery. You REALLY

On Thursday the US Army condemned President Trump for taking a photo — NOT Joe Biden for his roll in the murder of the 13 American heroes

The Army blamed President Trump’s camp for breaking the rules by taking a photo in Arlington Cemetery.

Via CNN hack Haley Britzkey.

Trump was invited to Arlington by the Gold Star families.

The US Army had no problem with Joe Biden taking photos in Arlington in the past.

Via Greg Price.

By the way, how many generals were fired from the US Army after their historic humiliation in Afghanistan in 2013?

We’re waiting.

Judenhass and Racism at the Democratic National Convention

The Democrat Party has followed Joseph Goebbels’s purported advice to accuse the other side of that which one is guilty, namely, by calling Donald Trump a racist and/or anti-Semite. Let’s turn over the rocks at the recent Democratic National Convention to see instead what is crawling around underneath.

Here is the complete list of speakers, as reported by Axios. The top of the page features “Glorious Leader” posters of Kamala Harris with the caption “Forward” — minus the “Great Leap” portion that was responsible for tens of millions of deaths in mainland China. Harris supports economic quackery such as price controls that, while unlikely to cause actual starvation in a country that currently produces more food than it can eat, could easily lead to empty store shelves and astronomical inflation due to shortages and black markets. Now let’s take a look at the real face of the Democrat party as represented at its 2024 convention.

Minyon Moore, 2024 Democratic National Convention Committee chair. Moore was on the Board of Directors for Black Lives Matter Global Network, a group that denies the right of Israel to exist, which is anti-Semitic by definition. It has officially supported Rasmeah Odeh, a terrorist who was convicted of murdering two Jews with a bomb and setting another bomb to kill first responders, although the Israelis found that one in time to avoid further harm. It venerates convicted cop killer Joanne Chesimard, aka Assata Shalur, as “Mama Assata" and says mass murderer Fidel Castro should “rest in power.” Here, meanwhile, is the closely associated Movement for Black Lives blood libeling Israel with false accusations of genocide: “The US justifies and advances the global war on terror via its alliance with Israel and is complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people.” Although Moore did not, as far as I know, write or initiate these statements, she was in a position of responsibility in an organization that did.

(Note for reference that I am defining “blood libel” as any false accusation of an atrocity that might be used to incite hatred or violence against its target.)

Becky Pringle, National Education Association president. StandWithUs reports,

National Education Association members will vote on several anti-Israel resolutions at the union’s annual ‘Representative Assembly’ in Philadelphia this week, including the adoption of an official position holding that Israel is conducting a ‘genocide’ in Gaza and that opposing the Jewish state’s existence is not antisemitic….

As Israel is not committing genocide, and is in fact delivering aid to Gazans, this is a blood libel. There is also no difference between teaching children that Israel commits genocide and teaching them that two plus two equal five (leave that to Big Brother in George Orwell’s 1984), or that humans come in more than two sexes. This is not to say that humans do not have different sexual orientations or preferences, or that it is acceptable to discriminate against anybody for having them—it isn’t—but the biological fact is that we are mammals and mammals come only in male or female. The NEA is a poster child for charter schools and home-schooling if ever I saw one.

Rev. Al Sharpton, civil rights leader. “Civil rights leader” is an interesting term for an individual who has played a leading role in no fewer than three racist and/or anti-Semitic controversies, including the Tawana Brawley scandal in which Sharpton and his associates threw around false accusations of rape similar to those once used by white supremacists to incite pogroms against black people. See also the Crown Heights riots in which a Jew, Yankel Rosenbaum, was killed, and the arson of Freddy’s Fashion Mart in which seven store workers were murdered. In both cases, Sharpton and/or his associates directed hate speech against Jews, and at Freddy’s, Caucasians in general.

Ella Emhoff, Harris’s stepdaughter. JNS reports,

Ella Emhoff, stepdaughter of Vice President Kamala Harris, has been raising money for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, despite the United States suspending funding to the group over its extensive terror ties.

And yes, it is fair to bring Emhoff into this because the DNC featured her as a speaker. As the U.S. has not yet designated UNRWA a foreign terrorist organization, it is legal for Emhoff to raise money for it, but Israel has a very different opinion.

Although Axios did not list the UAW’s head Shawn Fain as a speaker, he did indeed play a key role at the conference. I reported previously that the UAW also was a party to a blood libel that falsely accuses Israel of genocide. Here’s this, from Jewish Insider:

In December, the UAW — which, of course, includes auto workers and other industrial laborers, but has in recent decades expanded to include more college-educated workers such as graduate students and public defenders — became the first major union to call for a cease-fire in Gaza.

UAW president Shawn Fain has emerged as one of the most outspoken critics of Israel on the left since Oct. 7. 

Let’s also not forget vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, who depicted the Muslim American Society’s Asad Zaman as a “master teacher” saying this:

I would like to first of all say thank you to imam. I am a teacher, so when I see a master teacher, I know it. And over the time we’ve spent together, one of the things I’ve had the privilege of is seeing the things in life through the eye of a master teacher, to try and get the understanding….

Zaman expressed solidarity with “Palestine” on October 7, 2023. His most recent post says,

Unfortunately, the right wing blog swamp is trying to smear Governor Tim Walz by using me. My ‘crime’ is that I am Muslim and I publicly express my solidarity with the Palestinian people. Let’s get one thing straight: this has nothing do with Governor Walz.

It looks however like he might have removed his other posts and, depending on the browser one uses, his page displays the message, “This content isn’t available right now.” This likely means he’s limited who can view it, or he’s erased it entirely. I fortunately made a screenshot of his Oct. 7 2023 post, “MAS [Muslim American Society] Stands in Solidarity with Palestine Against Israeli Attacks,” and I hope others did as well.

If the Democrat party thinks the “Palestinians” have any justification, or side of the story, for what they did on Oct. 7, then we need to express our revulsion at the polls this November.

Bill Gates Working with UN to Flood Food Supply with Insects

Billionaire Bill Gates is using his vast resources to help the United Nations (UN) rapidly advance plans to eliminate traditional meat and dairy from the food supply and replace them with hyper-processed insect-based products.

Singapore recently became the latest country to authorize insect products for human consumption.

The Guardian described the move to flood the food supply with insects as one that “paves the way for plates to become wrigglier, leggier and more sustainable.”

The newspaper argues that authorization in Singapore is “a sign of things to come” on a global level.

On 8 July, the Singapore Food Agency announced it had approved 16 insects for human consumption as “food.”

The approved insects include mealworms and silkworm pupa.

Singapore is just the latest country to approve insects for public consumption, however.

The European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, and other countries have also approved certain insects for human consumption.

So far, each nation has issued requirements for clear labeling of food products containing insects.

Unfortunately, the United States does not have these same requirements.

Gaps in U.S. regulations have enabled “alternative protein” startups to covertly enter the insect food market, without the need to inform consumers.

These insect-based “food” startups are rapidly expanding in America due to the backing of figures such as Bill Gates and government agencies including the United Nations (UN), the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the National Science Foundation.

The trend toward insect-based foods is linked to the UN’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The UN’s SDG promotes sustainability and forced behavioral modifications.

Experts are now increasingly raising the alarm about the flood of insects in the food supply.

Michael Rectenwald, author of “The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unravelling the Global Agenda,” warns:

“The insect craze is intimately connected to the UN’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

Seamus Bruner, author of “Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life” and director of research at the Government Accountability Institute, notes:

The World Economic Forum – perhaps the largest driving force behind so-called ‘alternative proteins’ – frequently touts Singapore’s compliance with Agenda 2030, so the decision to prioritize insect-based foods is not surprising.”

Proponents of insects as food for humans, including the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), claim that they are more “sustainable” and have a “lower carbon footprint” compared to traditional livestock.

However, animal-based foods like beef, pork and poultry are more efficient and healthy sources of protein.

“The truth is that beef, pork, poultry and other animal-based foods are the most efficient and healthy sources of protein,” Bruner told The Defender.

“These climate fanatics pushing insect-based foods are scaring people into adopting less healthy diets.”

While advocates see insects as a viable protein source for the future, there are concerns about safety and health risks, such as parasites and allergies.

The push from power-hungry globalists also raises questions about the motives behind promoting insect-based foods.

“The justification for insects is to produce protein using fewer inputs: to save the planet by reducing climate change, methane from cows, less pollution,” Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, said.

“But just because it is protein doesn’t mean it’s good for us.”

Nass cited parasites that could be spread by insects, difficulties in digesting insects, and common allergies to chitin – commonly found on the exoskeleton of insects.

She suggested that one reason behind the shift to insects as food is “to cause emotional harm: to degrade, debase, downgrade human beings.”

Beef is “being demonized,” potentially to “weaken the species,” Nass notes.

Dutch journalist Elze van Hamelen told The Defender that using insect ingredients for pet food also poses a risk to public health.

Van Hamelen cites a 2019 study that found parasites in 244 of 300 insect farms and pet stores that were investigated.

In Singapore, local businesses are embracing insect-based foods, however.

Some are already offering insect-infused dishes.

Educational programs are being implemented to inform consumers, including children, about the alleged “benefits” of consuming insects.

Some educational programs began before approval had been obtained.

For example, Singapore’s first start-up to make food from insects conducted workshops and educational sessions at almost a hundred schools before the Singapore Food Agency approved insects for human consumption.

Surveys conducted after the program found that about 80% of students would be willing to try the insects after they are approved.

Educational programs are part of the psychological techniques deployed to get people to accept insects as food.

Several studies in 2020, 2021, and 2022 suggested that behavioral science concepts like nudging should be used to influence public acceptance of insect-based foods.

That nudging is already being widely used to implement the UN’s Agenda 2030.

According to Rectenwald, “sustainability” is code language for coerced reductions in consumption and forced behavioral modifications.

In addition to debasing people and so gaining psychological power over them, there is enormous financial gain to be had for those driving the insect-based diets agenda.

“Bill Gates claims his investments in alternative proteins are to save the planet,” Bruner said.

“What he does not say is that they are part of a strategy to monopolize the protein industry – for profit – as he lobbies to ban animal-based competition.”

Knives Out: Administrative State Begins Leaking Information About the Bidens

Maybe President Joe Biden was never a serious member of the Washington, DC, establishment — like the Clintons, the Bushes, or the Obamas — or, maybe, the establishment just had no more use for him.

Either way, the knives seem to be out for the Biden family after Joe Biden stepped aside from the 2024 presidential election. In three leaks in the last month, members of the permanent political class in Washington disclosed damaging information about the Biden family.

One: Hunter Biden accepted $3,101,258 from Romanian partner Gabriel Popoviciu to “influence U.S. government agencies” when Joe Biden served as vice president, Special Counsel David Weiss said in a court filing.

The filing stops short of accusing Hunter of having “improperly coordinated with the Obama administration,” but it underscores how Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) failed to indict Hunter on Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations in 2023 while Joe Biden remained in the presidential race.

Two: The State Department released a document showing that Hunter Biden sought U.S. government help for Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian company.

The leak raises additional questions about why Hunter did not register as a foreign agent for his work with Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter $83,000 per month — or $1 million per year — just weeks after his father was announced as the “point person” on U.S. foreign policy with Ukraine. Hunter had no experience in energy or Ukraine before becoming a board member of the company and asking the U.S. government for help.

Three: The DOJ revealed the discovery of 117 pages of transcribed discussions between Biden and his ghostwriter, per Fox News

Special Counsel Robert Hur used the information, in part, to conclude that Biden was a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” according to the report. The statement had a cascading effect on media allies who pressured Biden to step aside.

Washington is many things to many people, but, for the politicos who come to town to work in the bureaucracy, it is best defined as a revolving door. It takes staying power, connections, and a willingness to compromise to remain in the swamp’s good graces.

Joe Biden arrived in Washington in 1973 as a U.S. senator, and he accrued influence, aligned himself with the powerful, and ascended to the presidency. He reached the top spot only to step aside three and a half years later.

His usefulness to the swamp is coming to an end, it appears, as reports surface of the Washington, DC, establishment pushing Biden out.

Former President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), along with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), and Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), had an outsized role in pushing Biden out, the New York Times reported Thursday, based on multiple interviews with those with firsthand knowledge of the events.

The senators’ participation was previously unreported.

“What happened,” Biden later told CBS News, “was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic.”

Dear Democrats — What Are You Voting For?

It is not sufficient to parrot platitudes like “I’m voting for joy” or “hope” or “progress,” whatever that means.

We all have friends, colleagues and loved ones who are lifelong Democrat voters. This column is intended for them, and for those of us willing to engage in discussions with them about the upcoming election. Conversations about politics are challenging, but voters should be able to answer the questions I pose here, if they take their responsibilities as a citizen seriously.

When you ask Democrats (or others) who support Vice President Kamala Harris why they intend to vote for her, a significant number will give some version of, “Because Trump …” They may believe the propaganda that he’s “a threat to democracy,” or that he’s “going to start World War III,” or that he’ll “throw his political opponents in jail.” Some will simply say they just don’t like him.

But if that’s your answer, it’s not good enough. Nor is it sufficient to parrot platitudes like “I’m voting for joy” or “hope” or “progress,” whatever that means.

You’re not just voting against Candidate X or for some happy feeling; you are casting your ballot in favor of another candidate and for her policies. What are they? Do you know?

If you do, kudos. You’ve done some homework. Because it’s not as if Harris’ presidential campaign has told you what her policies are — her website has only slogans, ways to donate and merch sales.

Nor was the platform of a President Harris/Vice President Tim Walz administration laid out at the Democratic National Convention earlier this month. As journalist Camilla Long explained in a blistering piece for the New York Post, the convention was both a surreal swoonfest of Kamalove and a hotbed of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The media is in on the obfuscation. Harris has refused to give interviews or press conferences since President Joe Biden was forced out of the campaign, and the press has been only too happy to cover for her.

The radio silence is a feature, not a bug. Because, in fact, Harris actually has a track record of supporting specific policies. The problem is that most Americans don’t agree with them.

Indeed, except for the legalization of abortion on demand up until birth, her own voters don’t even know what they are.

The Media Research Center published a recent survey of 1,200 registered Democrat and independent voters, and the results were shocking, if not surprising. When asked about 10 policy positions Harris supports, the overwhelming majority (between 71% to 86%) of those surveyed did not know any of them. They did not know, for example, that Harris supports getting rid of the border patrol, allowing death row inmates to vote, and abolishing all private health insurance.

Columnist Byron York wrote earlier this week that Harris is trying to triangulate by having campaign officials insist that she has “moderated” her earlier positions; he notes, however, that Harris herself has made no such public statements. This, of course, leaves Harris the ability, if she gets elected, to disregard those surrogates’ statements and pursue the policies she has consistently espoused in the past.

So, I’m asking you, Democrat and never-Trump friends, do you know what you are voting for? Because if you’re anything like the voters that MRC surveyed, lost in all the anti-Trump propaganda and Gen Z babble about “vibes” is the possibility that Harris might not represent the values you say matter to you:

— Do you support freedom of speech? The Biden/Harris administration pressured media companies to censor truthful information about COVID-19, and the point person for that effort — Rob Flaherty — is now Harris’ deputy campaign manager. That bodes well.

— The integrity of the democratic process? Harris was installed as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, not selected by voters. And the DNC tried to destroy Robert F. Kennedy Jr.‘s independent candidacy by burying him in lawsuits. Kennedy — penultimate Democratic Party royalty if there ever was any — left the party and endorsed former President Donald Trump. So has former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.

— A fair and impartial justice system? The Biden/Harris administration has weaponized the Justice Department to go after Democrats’ political opponents, try them, convict them and throw them in prison — including but not limited to Trump.

— A secure border, safe cities, lower crime, and adequate care and support for our veterans? As “border czar,” Harris presided over this administration’s open borders policy that has allowed 10 million illegal aliens into the country. Americans have been victimized by crimes and drug trafficking. Tens of billions of dollars have been diverted to benefits for people here illegally that could have been spent on America’s poor, our homeless, and better care for our veterans. And Harris promoted a fund to post bail for criminals arrested for riots and arson during the widespread violence in 2020.

— A strong middle class and a robust entrepreneurial economy? Biden and Harris stifled America’s energy production on Day One of their administration, sending oil prices skyrocketing and creating record levels of inflation. Now, Harris is pushing for massive tax increases that will penalize investment, crush small business and send the prices of consumer goods even higher.

— Stable foreign policy, an end to American involvement in foreign wars and profligate spending of American taxpayer dollars in other nations? The departure from Afghanistan was an unmitigated disaster. War has broken out in eastern Europe and the Middle East under the Biden/Harris administration. Israel was brutally attacked. One hundred seventy-five billion dollars from U.S. taxpayers has been sent or promised to Ukraine.

Is this really what you want? Because if you vote for Harris, it’s what you’re voting for, whether you know it — or admit it — or not.

Suspect Arrested Over Threat to Butcher Christians with Machete

One can only imagine what must transpire in the minds of those who angrily reject immutable truths. Last week, according to WREG in Memphis...