Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Catholics for Catholics Calls on Laity to Petition Priests to Offer Masses for President Trump

President Trump addresses the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “2024 Road to Majority” conference. 

The non-profit organization Catholics for Catholics (CforC) is calling on the Church’s laity to petition their priests to offer masses for President Trump.

The organization hopes to reach a goal of 2024 masses for Trump from the President’s recent birthday on June 14th until November 5th, 2024 – Election Day.

CforC shares, “The Church considers the Mass the greatest possible prayer of intercession because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father by making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection.”

In March, the organization hosted a dinner at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

President Trump addresses the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “2024 Road to Majority” conference. Image: Video screenshot.

The non-profit organization Catholics for Catholics (CforC) is calling on the Church’s laity to petition their priests to offer masses for President Trump.

The organization hopes to reach a goal of 2024 masses for Trump from the President’s recent birthday on June 14th until November 5th, 2024 – Election Day.

CforC shares, “The Church considers the Mass the greatest possible prayer of intercession because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father by making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection.”

In March, the organization hosted a dinner at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

President Trump has raised concerns about the persecution Catholics face under the Biden Regime many times, including during a recent keynote address at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “2024 Road to Majority” conference.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Chris Wray’s FBI infiltrated Catholic parishes, and FBI agents engaged in outreach to Catholic leaders to spy on Americans practicing their Christian faith.

Biden’s FBI-DOJ was also targeting traditional Catholics.

Wray’s FBI sent out a memo warning agents of the dangerous ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’ that was gaining popularity in the country. The memo was posted at UncoverDC.com by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin.

Dirty Merrick Garland wouldn’t admit to the targeting when he testified, under oath, to Congress.

The call to prayer comes at a time when, according to a poll by the Pew Research Center, Cafeteria Catholic Joe is losing the Catholic vote.

The poll shares that if the election were held today, 55% of Catholic voters say they would vote for Donald Trump, or lean toward voting for him.

Only 43% say they support Biden.

A similar poll conducted by Pew before the 2020 election found that Catholics were almost evenly split between the two candidates, with 50% saying they’d support Trump and 49% reporting that they would vote for Biden.

Former WH Doc Demands Biden Be Drug-Tested

Ronny Jackson, who served as White House physician to both Obama and Trump, thinks Biden may take performance-enhancing drugs Thursday night.

Years from now, when honest and objective historians (work with me) unpack Joe Biden’s presidency, they’ll point to a raised awareness of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia as one of its most important and enduring takeaways.

You laugh, but I’m deadly serious. Not a joke. My word as an Andrews. Not since the stroke-addled Woodrow Wilson more than a century ago have we had a president this cognitively disabled. Not since Franklin Delano Roosevelt has a president kept serious health concerns from the public in order to win reelection. FDR died five months after winning.

The emperor has no memory, quipped my colleague Nate Jackson a few months ago, upon the release of special counsel Rober Hur’s report, which found the most powerful man in the world to be “a sympathetic [sic], well-meaning [sic], elderly man with a poor memory” and therefore unfit to be charged for having willfully mishandled classified documents. That was the day that began with talk of removing a former president from the ballot via the 14th Amendment and ended with talk of removing the current one from office via the 25th Amendment.

And yet. Here we are, more than four months later, and Biden’s condition is clearly getting worse. We saw it when he wandered off aimlessly at the G7 summit, only to be rescued by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. We see it in how he stumbles over simple sentences. We see it in his struggle just to make his way into an awaiting vehicle.

That’s the nature of dementia, whose symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic, include memory loss, problems communicating or finding words, problems with reasoning or problem-solving, poor coordination and control of movements, confusion and disorientation, personality changes, anxiety, agitation, and inappropriate behavior.

But there’s hope for those suffering from dementia, and we’ve seen that, too. We’ve seen Biden give a lucid and feisty State of the Union address at an hour well past his bedtime, and we’ve seen him deliver an acceptable speech at the recent D-Day commemoration.

It’s against this backdrop, then, that Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson is once again raising concerns about Biden’s mental state. And unfortunately for the Democrats, Jackson can’t be dismissed as some partisan hack. After all, he served as White House physician for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. And prior to that, he was a Navy rear admiral and the leader of resuscitative medicine for a combat surgical shock trauma platoon. He’s a serious man, and he’s observed the American presidency up close and personal.

So far, Jackson has sent five letters to the White House, demanding that Biden submit to a cognitive test like the one Trump took. And he’s cc’d his latest letter to Biden’s personal physician and his entire cabinet. Here’s just part of that letter:

Earlier this month, during an event in Las Vegas, you confused French President Emmanuel Macron with the late President Francois Mitterrand, who died nearly thirty years ago, when telling a story about the G7 summit. Just a few days later, you mixed up former German Chancellor Angela Merkel with the late German Leader Helmut Kohl twice while speaking at events in New York. Even when attempting to rebut the findings of Special Counsel Hur’s report, you mistakenly referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the “President of Mexico.” These occurrences do not exemplify the leadership our allies have come to expect from the President of the United States, which is paramount to deterring our adversaries and maintaining peace across the globe.

Jackson is also wondering whether Biden will be on some sort of performance-enhancing pharmaceutical cocktail during Thursday’s debate — perhaps something like Aricept, a cholinesterase inhibitor that defends against the dementing brain’s enzyme-based attack on acetylcholine, which is its vital neurotransmitter. The pharmaceutical industry has made remarkable strides in treating Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia in recent years, and let’s face it: Only a fool would believe Joe Biden’s handlers won’t have him drugged up to some degree.

Said Jackson to Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo: “I’m going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans [that Biden] submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs. Because we see — we have seen recently in his State of the Union address — that there was a Joe Biden that came out that was not similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last three-and-a-half years.”

But that reality should chill all of us — not just Biden’s detractors.

As Jackson’s letter concludes: “The American people can no longer be left to wonder about their safety and security because of your declining cognitive ability If you believe you are cognitively fit for duty, then you should prove it to the American people by submitting to appropriate clinical exam and testing. More importantly, failure of such testing and examination will give your Cabinet the necessary insight and legitimate cause to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

Perhaps the former president, Donald Trump, can gently invite the current president, Joe Biden, to join him for a post-debate drug test on Thursday night — you know, for transparency’s sake, and for the good of the country.

And perhaps the mainstream media could begin doing its job, doing its diligence where the mental health of the American president is concerned.

POSTSCRIPT: Regarding the notion of drug testing for the man who controls our nation’s nuclear arsenal, an old friend, a commercial airline pilot, weighs in with the following perspective: “In my entire 38-year airline career, I was ALWAYS under the Federal Department of Transportation laws of drug testing. I honestly can’t tell you how many random drug/alcohol tests I was subject to. But what I wanted to interject is that any ‘refusal to submit’ was treated the same as a positive. Buh-bye.” Our hope is that on November 5, a majority of the American people will consider Joe Biden’s refusal to submit and render that same judgment. Buh-bye.


Canada Officially Loses Recognized Country Status After Failing To Win Stanley Cup Again

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EDMONTON — Following Canada's loss of the Stanley Cup to America for the 31st time in a row, international authorities have confirmed that Canada will indeed lose its status as a recognized country, as Stanley Cup tradition demands.

Canadian sources have confirmed that countries across the globe are already in the process of withdrawing ambassadors and embassies from the former country, while NATO has already passed a motion withdrawing Canada from the organization.

"As much as it pains us to do this, we can simply no longer stand by and continue to pretend that Canada is a real nation," commented Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres. "There's no way that Canada — which is about 95% ice, I'm told — should be losing a game that's played completely on ice to the American state of Florida, which has no ice whatsoever. It's simply disgraceful. We can no longer allow this travesty to masquerade itself as a legitimate nation, and are therefore retracting Canada's status as a recognized country, effective immediately."

While most legislators are not quite sure what to do with Canada now, most Americans support declaring Canada a vassal state of Florida. Florida Governor DeSantis has publicly stated that he will only demand tribute from Canada every other year.

At publishing time, Norway, Spain, and Ireland had made world news by saying that they would still recognize Canada as a state "just like we did with Palestine."


New James O’Keefe vid shows Disney TV director admitting the company “prioritizes LGBTQ stories for children”, “inserts diversity when it’s not organic”

A second installment of James O’Keefe series on Disney reveals a “Director of Production/Finance” admitting that the company will only hire White or Jewish men for their C-suite executive roles.

Sohrab “Dave” Makker also told the undercover operative that Disney is prioritizing LGBTQ stories for children and inserts diversity even when it’s not organic to the story:

BREAKING: Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance, Sohrab “Dave” Makker reveals Disney won’t hire anyone “who’s not white or not Jewish” for C-Suite roles, confirming discriminatory hiring practices detailed in OMG’s ‘The Disney Tapes: Part 1.’

Makker, who tracks diversity in annual reports, reveals that the reports “tell us the diverse cast of members that are in there,” and that he has witnessed “the number count go up.”

Makker says Disney prioritizes LGBTQ stories for children, stating, “We insert diversity when it’s not really organic to the story,” admitting shows have “flopped” because “the audience didn’t connect” to forced diversity.

He calls Disney CEO Bob Iger “corrupt,” saying, “He just wants to stay in power.” He proceeds to criticize Elon Musk, calling him a “narcissist” driven by attention, yet agrees with Musk’s call for Iger’s firing.

Watch the full video below:


FBI Raids Oakland Home Tied to Campaign Contribution Laundering Scheme: High-Profile Political Connections Including Biden, Harris, Newsom, Bonta, and Becerra Under Scrutiny

Details have emerged about two individuals at the heart of an FBI political corruption investigation in Oakland, California, which saw the raid of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao’s home last week.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that FBI agents raided a home owned by Democrat Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. An FBI spokesperson told the press that agents were conducting “court-authorized law enforcement” at Thao’s property.

The focus of the investigation is on David Duong, CEO of California Waste Solutions, and his son, Andy Duong. Both have deep-seated ties to Democratic politicians and businesses, NBC Bay Area reported.

Their business dealings and political connections are under intense scrutiny following evidence that suggests they orchestrated a complex scheme to circumvent campaign finance laws and funnel illegal donations to various Democratic candidates.

A quick look at Andy Duong’s Instagram page reveals frequent posts with high-profile figures in the political world – including President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Governor Gavin Newsom, Attorney General Rob Bonta, and Health and Human Services Secretary and former state Attorney General Xavier Becerra. The list also includes elected leaders from other states such as Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford, according to abc7 News.

According to an investigation by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), a state oversight body, “Andy Duong was the true source of at least 93 contributions to multiple local campaign committees when he created a campaign contribution laundering scheme to benefit his family-owned company, California Waste Solutions.” The report alleges that Duong used intermediaries or straw donors instead of disclosing CWS as the true source of the contributions.

abc7 News reported:

According to the FPPC, this is an ongoing investigation with evidence suggesting it started around 2016 through 2018 and included some campaign contributions that were fraudulently concealed from the public.

The FPPC says all but one of the campaign committees targeted were in jurisdictions with local contribution limits. The investigation found that during this time, the city of Oakland prohibited campaign contributions from contractors providing services to the city, requiring approval from the city council.

Yet, documents show many of the targeted committees were candidates running for city council.

For example, Sheng Thao running for City Council in 2018 received $9,900 from Duong that the FPPC alleges was laundered through 13 different people.

According to the FPPC:

  • Larry Reid also received $5,600 allegedly laundered through eight different entities.
  • Dan Kalb received $4,200 allegedly laundered through six different people or entities.
  • Rebecca Kaplan received $3,500 allegedly laundered through seven people.
  • Former Councilmember Desley Brooks received $18,700 over two campaign cycles, allegedly laundered through 24 people.
  • Former Councilmember Abel Guillen, who’s currently California’s Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, received $4,200 allegedly laundered through 12 people.

October 7 victims sue UNRWA for $1 billion, claiming it aided and abetted Hamas

Lawsuit, filed in New York, alleges UN Palestinian aid agency’s compliance in letting terror group use its facilities, says payment of its workers in US dollars helped fund Hamas

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) chief Philippe Lazzarini is among those named in the lawsuit.
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More than 100 victims of the devastating October 7 Hamas assault on Israel and their families filed a lawsuit Monday claiming $1 billion in damages from UNRWA, the UN aid agency for Palestinians, accusing that it aided and abetted the terror group’s assault.

The 167-page lawsuit named as defendants the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, as well as seven of its past and current leaders, including head Philippe Lazzarini.

It said UNRWA, which coordinates nearly all aid to Gaza, let Hamas use its facilities for weapons storage, allowed tunnels and command centres to be built under its sites, and funnelled cash into the terror group’s coffers by insisting on paying employees in U.S. dollars.

“Hamas did not carry out these atrocities without assistance,” the lawsuit said. “Defendants were warned repeatedly that their policies were directly providing assistance to Hamas,” it asserted. “In the face of those warnings, Defendants continued those very policies.”

On October 7, Hamas led 3,000 terrorists in a massive cross-border attack on Israel that killed over 1,200 people in southern Israel, mostly civilians, amid numerous atrocities. Terrorists also abducted 251 people of all ages as hostages to Gaza.

Chicago-based law firm MM-Law LLC and New York firm Amini LLC filed the suit in the Southern District of New York on behalf of 101 victims or their families.

Aside from Lazzarini, the other defendants are former or current UNRWA top officials Pierre Krähenbühl, Filippo Grandi, Leni Stenseth, Sandra Mitchell, Margot Ellis and Gréta Gunnarsdóttir..
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Krähenbühl is currently director-general of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Grandi is the current United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The lawsuit highlights that UNRWA insisted on paying its employees in U.S. dollars, amounting to $1 billion in the period covered by the claim. Employees were unable to spend the dollars directly in the Gaza Strip, which uses the Israeli shekel, needing instead to convert the cash at Hamas-controlled money changers who took a commission.

UNRWA, the plaintiffs said, “knowingly providing Hamas with the U.S. dollars in cash that it needed to pay smugglers for weapons, explosives, and other terror materiel.”

Hamas money changers took a 10 to 25 per cent spread on transactions, “ensuring that a predictable percentage of UNRWA’s payroll went to Hamas.”

In addition, the lawsuit said UNRWA “knowingly provided material support to Hamas in Gaza” by allowing the terror group safe harbour in its faculties, including schools and other buildings used for weapons storage or command centres, based on the assumption that its premises “were inviolate” and thus immune to attack by Israel.

“The resulting atrocities were foreseeable, and the defendants are liable for aiding and abetting Hamas’ genocide, crimes against humanity, and torture,” the lawsuit said.

It also accused UNRWA of using Hamas-approved textbooks in its schools that “indoctrinate children from a young age into a death-cult ideology of hatred and genocide” and produce new recruits for the terror group.

The lawsuit included firsthand accounts of abuse that some hostages suffered during their abduction and imprisonment in Gaza,

The plaintiffs stressed that they are not seeking in court “a forum to air political grievances,” but rather “seeking monetary compensation for their injuries from parties who are liable for those injuries on traditional tort principles.”

UNRWA did not respond to requests for comment from UK’s Jewish Chronicle or Fox News, which first reported on the lawsuit.

One of the plaintiffs is Ditza Heiman, who was abducted by terrorists on October 7 and then released in an exchange deal 53 days later. She has reported that the man who kept her captive was a teacher in an UNRWA school and that she was fed food rations that were issued by the UN agency, and marked not for sale.

“The fact that Hamas ruled Gaza was not an excuse for UNRWA to hire and finance terrorists, but it should have ensured that UNRWA took additional precautions,” Heiman told Ynet.

Other plaintiffs are Gadi and Reuma Kedem, whose daughter Tamar, son-in-law Yonatan, and three grandchildren Shahar, Arbel, and Omer were all murdered by Hamas in their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz. Yonatan’s mother, Carol, was also slain that day.

“There is no pain in the world that compares to burying your children and grandchildren who were murdered and strangled in their own home,” Gadi Kedem told Ynet.

“All that remains is to fight so that those responsible for strengthening Hamas are held accountable. UNRWA strengthened Hamas and transferred funds and financed the murders, while being a full partner in the growth of Hamas terrorists. UNRWA and its managers are completely complicit in the murder of my children and my family.”

People protest against UNRWA in Jerusalem, on Monday, Feb. 5, 2024.
People protest against UNRWA in Jerusalem, on Monday, Feb. 5, 2024. 

Separately Monday, UNRWA Director Lazzarini called to push back against efforts by Israel to have the organization disbanded.

“Israel has long been critical of the agency’s mandate. But it now seeks to end UNRWA’s operations, dismissing the agency’s status as a United Nations entity supported by an overwhelming majority of member states,” Lazzarini said at a meeting of the agency’s advisory commission.

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“If we do not push back, other UN entities and international organizations will be next, further undermining our multilateral system.”

Israel has also accused UNRWA, the largest employer in the Palestinian territories, of turning a blind eye to Hamas activities and employees of actively aiding terror groups.

In February, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant claimed that of the 13,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, at least 12 per cent were affiliated with the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror groups, including 1,468 employees active in Hamas and PIJ. Of those, 185 UNRWA workers were active in the military branches of Hamas, and 51 in the PIJ military branch, he said.

Gallant also alleged that at least 12 UNRWA employees took an active part in the October 7 massacre and that at least 30 more assisted by facilitating the taking of hostages and looting from Israeli communities overrun by Hamas terrorists.

The IDF, which launched an offensive against Hamas following October 7, has also uncovered several tunnels running under UNRWA compounds in Gaza and documented terror operatives in UN facilities. It also uncovered a Hamas data centre under the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City.

Numerous reports have found that UNRWA schools and teachers continue to teach hatred of Jews and glorify terrorism.

Israel’s accusations prompted many governments, including top donor the United States, to suspend funding to the agency, threatening its efforts to deliver aid in Gaza.

An independent review of UNRWA, led by French former foreign minister Catherine Colonna, found some “neutrality-related issues,” but said Israel had yet to provide evidence for its main allegations.

Some governments, including Italy, Germany, and Austria have resumed their funding.


Over 20 Workers Die In Fire At Lithium Battery Manufacturing Factory

More than 20 workers passed away after a fire at a lithium battery manufacturing factory near South Korea’s capital on Monday.

Officials reportedly said 22 workers died in the incident, which included mostly Chinese migrant workers.

“The dead included 18 Chinese, two South Koreans and one Laotian, local fire official Kim Jin-young told a televised briefing,” the Associated Press noted.

The nationality of at least one other deceased individual couldn’t be immediately determined.


Per CBS News:

He said the mobile phone signals of missing people were tracked to the second floor of the factory. Kim said a witness told authorities that the fire began after batteries exploded as workers were examining and packaging them, but the exact cause would be investigated.

Kim said those found dead likely failed to escape via stairs to the ground. He said officials would investigate whether fire extinguishing systems worked as designed.

He said a total of 102 people were working at the factory when the fire occurred.

Live video broadcast by South Korean television showed firefighters dousing the heavily damaged steel and concrete building, and parts of the upper floor had completely collapsed, with large chunks of concrete seemingly blown out into the street by the force of an explosion.

From the Associated Press:

The fire started at one of the factory buildings owned by a battery manufacturer, Aricell. He said that authorities would investigate whether fire extinguishing systems were at the site and if they worked.

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are ubiquitous in consumer goods from laptops to cellphones. They can overheat if damaged, defective or packaged improperly, leading to fires and explosions and making them a hazard for shipment aboard aircraft.

The video of the incident showed the factory’s second floor being engulfed with blaze, about 15 seconds after a small amount of white smoke was seen billowing from a battery, senior fire official Jo Seon-ho told a briefing later Monday.

Jo, citing the footage, said workers at the site mobilized fire extinguishers but failed to put out the blaze. They later rushed to an area where there was no exit before they likely inhaled toxic smoke and lost their consciousness, he said. The dead foreign workers were daily laborers so they were not likely familiar with the building’s internal structure, he added.


Catholics for Catholics Calls on Laity to Petition Priests to Offer Masses for President Trump

President Trump addresses the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “2024 Road to Majority” conference.  The non-profit organization   Catholics f...