Canary Mission, a watchdog group committed to exposing hatred and antisemitism promoted by organizations and individuals, has compiled a file on Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, and boy, is it a doozy!
Here are just a few of their salient points about Rep. Rashida Tlaib that they provide with citations:
- Canary Mission can confirm that Rashida Tlaib has extensive fundraising ties to Hamas supporters. She employed no less than three Hamas-linked activists to fundraise for her 2018 election campaign, one of whom spent 8 months in prison for his alleged connections to Hamas.
- Tlaib additionally used a pro-terror Facebook page, PAC-USA, to raise funds for her 2018 Congressional campaign. Tlaib gave the founder of PAC-USA the position of Chairman of the Finance Committee for Rashida Tlaib for Congress. He used it to promote 12 fundraisers in 8 states, entirely with her support.
- In 2015, Tlaib co-founded the Detroit-based, anti-American, anti-Israel and pro-terror hate group, Black4Palestine. A co-founder used the group to conduct activism with members of the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).
Source: Canary Mission
In 2019, ClashDaily reported on Tlaib’s connection to the guy who ran that very disturbing Facebook page here:
One particularly interesting tidbit reported by Canary Mission is that Rep. Tlaib had hired at least three Hamas activists to fundraise for her 2018 Congressional bid.
The Jerusalem Post dug in and reported on the three individuals — Salah Sarsour, Rafiq Jaber, and Abdelbaset Hamayel.
Sarsour was jailed for her ties to Hamas years before working with Tlaib, Jaber has distributed Hamas propaganda in the United States, and Hamayel worked for an organization that funneled money to Hamas.
Sarsour, who was jailed for being connected with Hamas in 1995, co-hosted an event with Tlaib in 2018. The group shared an archived link showing Sarsour’s name appearing on an event flyer. The link can be viewed here.\Jaber has also apparently admitted to helping distribute Hamas’s propaganda in the US.
In 2003, he testified that he directed two Hamas front groups to “promote [the Holy Land Foundation] in every way we can” and admitted to distributing pro-martyrdom materials that celebrated the killing of Jews.
The fundraiser is also a co-founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Hamayel, the final of the three fundraisers, has worked for multiple Hamas-linked organizations in the United States, all of which are now defunct.
He worked as a representative for the group “KindHearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development,” an organization dissolved in 2011 by the US Department of the Treasury after it was found that they were funneling funds to Hamas.
Source: The Jerusalem Post
Does anyone else think that this might be a problem?
The same people who were keen to “punch a Nazi” for years — and by “Nazi,” they meant someone who voted for Donald Trump, you know, the guy that made the Abraham Accords possible — are now suddenly quiet as people chant genocidal antisemitic slogans on the streets.
That’s because it isn’t really about getting rid of “Nazis” — it’s about pushing their own ideology.
Rep. Tlaib is a Pro-Palestine True Believer and has drunk deeply from the well of anti-Israel propaganda. We’ve seen the same with the protests on multiple college campuses and in cities all over North America.
We know that she opposes a two-state solution because she’s said as much on the House floor.
If a shirt she once wore is any indicator, Rep. Tlaib favors a one-state solution … and it ain’t Israel. That’s consistent with the map in her office that has a sticky note with an arrow pointing to Israel that reads “Palestine.”
Speaking of what she wore, on December 6, 2019, while stating her opposition to a two-state solution, she donned a black-and-white keffiyeh. This Arab scarf is considered to signal support for Palestinian “resistance.” So-called “fact-checkers” insist has nothing to do with terrorism, but to many people — especially after what “pro-Palestine” protests have looked like in a post-10/7 world — that scarf indicates solidarity with Hamas, the same group that is fine with barbaric and unspeakable acts of torture, rape, kidnapping, and murder of innocents along with desecration of bodies.

Congresswoman Tlaib and her fellow Squad Member Ilhan Omar (D-MN) have repeatedly outed themselves as the anti-semites that they are.
It isn’t just the opposition to the existence of Israel as a nation; they both repeat the most ridiculously cartoonish ahistorical narratives and antisemitic tropes while supporting people who push them.
It’s kind of a problem that a sitting member of Congress has ties to an organization that the United States government and many others all over the world have designated a terrorist organization.
It’s especially a problem when her hatred of Jews allows her to enjoy Hamas beheading children and refuses to accept that Israel didn’t drop a bomb on a Christian hospital in Gaza.
All this while, Americans are still unaccounted for after Hamas kidnapped over 200 people on October 7.
“Congresswoman Tlaib failed to condemn the murder, rape, and beheading of 1,400 Jews and the kidnapping of 222 others,” Canary Mission told the Jerusalem Post, “She has significant ties to Hamas-linked extremists. Her hatred of Israel and Jews should have no place in Congress.”
The thing about this is that if it hadn’t been reported in The Jerusalem Post, we might never have known about it.
Where the hell is the American media?
Oh, right. They’re too busy pushing out Hamas talking points and trying to “both sides” the war in Gaza that Hamas started with the worst pogrom since WWII, and Israel had no choice but to respond to.