Friday, March 31, 2023

It's Cartoon/Meme Time #318

Left Smears Ron DeSantis For Pointing Out The Truth About George Soros

For Democrats, ‘antisemitism’ is just another cynical political tool.

After the indictment of Donald Trump finally fell, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis attacked the transparently partisan and “un-American” nature of a D.A. going after a presidential candidate with rickety 7-year-old campaign finance charges, noting that Alvin Bragg is a “Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney.”

That last bit is indisputably true. DeSantis didn’t contend that Bragg was “bought” or “under the thumb” of Soros — even though either would be completely within the norms of modern political rhetoric. He simply asserted that Bragg was “Soros-backed.”
“They’re attacking Jewish international bankers,” Joe Scarborough explained to his guests this morning, including best buddy Al Sharpton, a man who led a pogrom against Jews in New York. “It’s what antisemites have been doing for hundreds of years. … That’s what they do. They try to blame everything on Jewish international bankers. It’s Germany 1933.”
The first question any reasonable person would ask is why? In the partisan-riddled, hyperactive imagination of “Morning Joe,” every Republican is a budding member of the Volksgemeinschaft; but why, in the real world, would the governor of Florida, a state with a sizable Jewish population, send antisemitic dog whistles? DeSantis, according to Morning Joe an “antisemite,” is headed to Israel in a few weeks and has never engaged in any rhetoric or supported any issue that could remotely be construed as anti-Jewish. Indeed, DeSantis is constantly praising the Jewish community.
Reductio ad Hitlerum is both lazy and cynical, but it’s also corrosive. These baseless, politically motivated accusations of antisemitism are especially pernicious because they diminish the significance of the real, growing variety. For most modern American Democrats, antisemitism isn’t something to “fight” as much as it’s a convenient political implement to selectively wield. For the Andrew Weissmanns and Jennifer Rubins of the world, playing to the partisan mob on social media is far more important than worrying about religious Jews being smashed over the head with bricks in Brooklyn or college students feeling compelled to hide their beliefs and identity.
Soros, who has not only dismissed his Jewish identity as irrelevant but worked against Jewish causes, is a standard bearer of the Progressive faith, not Judaism. Soros, the leading benefactor of hard-left causes in the United States, is deeply and transparently involved in our debates. It is highly convenient that no one is permitted to point any of this out without being smeared as a bigot. This was not, needless to say, the standard applied to Sheldon Adelson or to Jared Kushner or anyone on the right.

Today, Soros lied to Semafor — which apparently runs press releases for him — claiming that he “did not contribute” to Bragg’s campaign because “I don’t know him.” “Reporter” Ben Collins floated this laughable excuse yesterday, as well. Using this new standard, the only way to assert a candidate is “backed” by a patron is to obtain pictures of the two shaking hands while exchanging a bag of cash.
Soros groups gave at least $7 million to the outfit Color of Change, which was doling out cash to characters exactly like Bragg in 2020. Bragg took a million in his D.A. race campaign. (Soros’ son also gave Bragg money.) That is a considerable donation for a D.A. race. But Soros has been funding campaigns to elect leftist district attorneys since at least 2015. In 2016, stories with headlines like “George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system” began appearing. And by 2019, Soros’ groups had pumped at least $17 million into local D.A. races. By 2023, that number probably hit $40 million. Soros has every right to do this. And we have every right to point it out.
None of this is a secret. In his Wall Street Journal column, “Why I Support Reform Prosecutors,” Soros lays out his views on criminal justice “reform” and brags about his financial backing. “This is why I have supported the election (and more recently the re-election) of prosecutors who support reform,” Soros writes. “I have done it transparently, and I have no intention of stopping. The funds I provide enable sensible reform-minded candidates to receive a hearing from the public. Judging by the results, the public likes what it’s hearing.”
One of these people was Alvin Bragg. And there is nothing antisemitic about pointing it out.

Can’t Make This Up: Fascist Democrats Attempt to Strike Testimony from US Senator Schmitt and AG Jeff Landry from Record – During Hearing on GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP!



As reported earlier, The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government held a hearing on Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. ET. The hearing examined and discussed the ongoing Missouri v. Biden case challenging the administration’s violation of the First Amendment by directing social media companies to censor and suppress Americans’ free speech.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft is the lead plaintiff in the case against the Biden administration’s extensive censorship industrial complex.

This morning Missouri Senator Eric Schmitt, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, and Attorney John Sauer testified before Jim Jordan’s Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government committee, along with pro-censorship law professor Matthew Seligman from Stanford.

During the “hearing on censorship,” the Democrats attempted to strike testimony from two of the GOP witnesses.

Jim Jordan spoke about this earlier.

During the testimony today, Democrat Virgin Islands Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett (D) got up from her chair at a House committee hearing on Thursday, stormed over to Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) and threw a letter in his face. Rep. Johnson had just given the letter to her a moment before in an effort to assuage her objections to the letter being entered into the record.

The hearing turned contentious after two witnesses, Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO) and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) were excused by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) after they read their opening statements–but before Democrats could question them.

Of course, Democrats wanted to censure their statements after they left the room.

And then the top Democrat got unruly and threw a document at Rep. Mike Johnson.

America is beginning to look more and more like Castro’s Cuba by the day.

“Do Not Try to Mansplain Me!”- Unhinged Democrat Throws Letter Back in Face of GOP Congressman at Hearing (VIDEO)

Angry Virgin Islands Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett (D) got up from her chair at a House committee hearing on Thursday, stormed over to Rep. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) and threw a letter in his face. Rep. Johnson had just given the letter to her a moment before in an effort to assuage her objections to the letter being entered into the record.

The hearing turned contentious after two witnesses, Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO) and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) were excused by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) after they read their opening statements–but before Democrats could question them.

During the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing chaired by Jordan, Johnson asked unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from Landry after he had been excused from the hearing. Plaskett complained she was not able to examine Landry about the letter.

Jordan: “Without objection, so entered.”

Plaskett: “Another thing we can’t examine cuz he’s not here.”

Jordan: “No, you can examine it. It’s a document. He’s gonna enter it into the record.”

Plaskett: “No, examine him for what he wrote and the intent behind what he said. Okay.”

Jordan: “Well, I would, I would just point out unanimous consents are for documents and we got the document right here. He handed it to you.”

It was during that back-and-forth that Johnson got up and walked over to Plaskett and calmly set the letter down between her and Jordan. Plaskett flipped out and stormed after Johnson, throwing the letter in his face after he sat back down. Plaskett shot her mouth off at Johnson as she returned to her chair.

Later Plaskett posted, “Message to @HouseGOP —Do not try to mansplain me.. #PeopleOverPolitics”

Earlier video of Democrats upset with Jordan over his excusing the two witnesses:

Maryland Parents Furious After School District Tells Them They Can’t Opt Their Children out of Gender Identity Lessons

Maryland Parents Furious After School District Tells Them They Can’t Opt Their Children out of Gender Identity Lessons

It appears progressives in the education system are taking their efforts to influence children even further. After years of concealing progressive indoctrination in K-12 classrooms, at least one school district is pushing the boundaries further.

Montgomery County Public Schools on March 23 sent an email informing parents that it would stop notifying them about gender identity lessons. This is part of an initiative to create a more “inclusive environment.” As if this wasn’t bad enough, the email also told parents that they would not allow them to opt their kids out of these lessons.

“MCPS expects all classrooms to be inclusive and safe spaces for students, including those who identify as LGBTQ+ or have family members in the LGBTQ+ community,” the email read. “A broad representation of personal characteristics within curricular or instructional materials promotes this desired outcome. Therefore, as with all curriculum resources, there is an expectation that teachers utilize these inclusive lessons and texts with all students.”

The email continued, explaining that in their vast benevolence, the district would still allow parents to remove their children from sexual health education.

“As is standard practice, when planning for instruction teachers/schools are encouraged to utilize a variety of resources to continue to promote an inclusive environment as outlined in the MCPS Core Values and Board Policy,” according to the email. “Students and families may not choose to opt out of engaging with any instructional materials, other than ‘Family Life and Human Sexuality Unit of Instruction’ which is specifically permitted by Maryland law. As such, teachers will not send home letters to inform families when inclusive books are read in the future.”

Naturally, this sparked quite a backlash against the authoritarians calling the shots at the district.

In response to the notification letter, 70 parents attended the Montgomery County School Board meeting on Tuesday to speak out against the policy. Parents argued that teaching gender identity lessons violated their religious beliefs and fought for their right to have a say in their children’s education, as reported by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“None of us have asked for the books to be removed. None of us. We are just asking for what is fair and equitable and our own constitutional right to be able to have religious freedom and opt-out of something that goes against not only my Christian beliefs, but also the Jewish religion, the Muslims. There’s so many people who are not okay with this,” said Allie Altobelli, a Montgomery County Public Schools parent.

Parents attending the meeting held signs that said, “We do not co-parent with the government” and “Believe in parents to love all others,” according to Lindsey Smith, the chapter chair of Montgomery County Moms for Liberty, a grassroots group of parents. Until an opt-out option is given, parents plan to continue to protest at school board meetings and work with local faith groups to push back, Smith added.

“My child, you know, he’s gonna be reading ‘My Rainbow’ next year [in second grade],” Laura Wright, another parent, told the Daily Caller. “It’s a book about a transgender kid. He’s gonna be learning words like cisgender and transgender. That’s really heavy for his age. I wonder why aren’t they also learning about depression and suicide and addictions at this age then? It’s really heavy and I’m surprised.”

I knew this was coming. In fact, anyone who pays attention to these types of stories could see that, at some point, school districts were going to take things further than just refusing to notify parents about certain types of material being included in the curriculum.

It will not be surprising when other school districts take similar measures, forbidding parents from opting their kids out of certain types of lessons. This is because these people do not believe one’s children belong to them, but rather to the state. From their point of view, the government is the most appropriate entity to decide what children should be learning about in the classroom and parents should have little to no say in the matter.

This is a dangerous line of thinking because it suggests that the government has every right to cut their parents out of the process when it comes to educating their children. Indeed, this is why progressives oppose school choice – the last thing they want is for parents to have the ultimate authority over where and how their children are educated. It sounds like a great time to take your kids out of public school – especially if you happen to live in Maryland.

‘I Have a PhD!’: Professor Laughed Out of Room After Getting Pinned on Gender Ideology Question By Swim Champ


An anthropology researcher at the University of Pittsburgh was incredulous after champion female collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines pinned him on a basic question about the biological differences between men and women, which prompted raucous laughter from students.

Gaines, a recent University of Kentucky graduate who tied for fifth place with transgender-identifying swimmer Lia Thomas at the NCAA Championship last year, recently delivered a talk at the University of Pittsburgh about men in women’s sports to a room packed with students.

Gabby Yearwood, a senior lecturer at the school’s anthropology department, rejected the notion that researchers can use skeletal evidence to determine a deceased person’s sex.

“If you were to dig up two humans 100 years from now, both a man and a woman, would you be able to tell the difference strictly off of bones?” Gaines asked. “No,” Yearwood began to respond, prompting laughter from the audience as he asked why he was receiving mockery since he was purportedly “the expert in the room.” A frustrated Yearwood then challenged the attendees about their credentials in anthropology and exclaimed “I have a PhD!”

Leftist activists in the anthropology field have recently exhorted their colleagues to no longer classify human remains as male or female, as well as ignore evidence related to racial ancestry, over concerns that researchers may thereby render “assumptions” about the deceased individuals’ professed gender identities.

Gaines told The Daily Wire about her exchange with Yearwood that she was purposefully “setting him up” because she had learned that skeletal remains are a primary piece of evidence that anthropologists consider when determining an individual’s sex.

“Every single rational person knows the answer: men have narrower hips, their skulls are different, they have an extra rib, their femurs are longer, their jaws are different,” Gaines noted. “When he said ‘No,’ it just highlighted that even someone with a PhD was willing to lie to virtue signal or to put off this perception that sex is a social construct, which we know is not the case.”

Gaines earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Kentucky last year in human health sciences and health law. “I took all of the biology courses, I took all of the chemistry courses, all of the organic chemistry courses,” she continued. “But truthfully, all you need is a fifth-grade biology education to understand that men and women are different.”

Gaines now works with the Independent Women’s Forum to raise awareness about the risks that the erosion of female spaces by radical gender theorists poses to women.

“As a whole, we want to put off this farce that we’re inclusive, kind, accepting, loving, and tolerant, but in reality, to deny the truth of what a man and a woman is, and to allow men to infiltrate women’s spaces and our sports that were once sex-protected, that is not kind,” she added. “That’s actually exclusive: it’s excluding the very female athletes, and the very females in general, that these sex-protected spaces and categories were created to protect.”

Students who attended the University of Pittsburgh event were broadly supportive of Gaines, who credited the Pittsburgh Police Department with ensuring her talk could proceed with minimal disruption from protesters. “There were definitely some people there who were in opposition to me being there,” she said. “But the reception was great, and I think it was very well-received, and a lot of people’s eyes were opened to how horrible this is to women.”

Pelosi’s Statement on Trump Really Gives the Game Away


Good evening comrades, welcome to the brave new world in which political enemies aren’t considered “innocent until proven guilty” — but rather, are graciously afforded “the right to a trial to prove their innocence.”

Don’t take my word for it, listen to former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). In reaction to Manhattan Alvin Bragg indicting former President Donald Trump, Pelosi tweeted: “The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”

Right now, Trump is “guilty” in Pelosi’s eyes. In fact, he has been considered “guilty” by the Democrats ever since he beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. That’s why for nearly seven years, Congress, the Justice Department, the FBI, the State of New York, and more have been trying to nab the “Bad Orange Man.” They just haven’t been able to actually get him in handcuffs as they’ve dreamed about.

Finally, the Left found just the guy to do it for ’em: A Soros-backed prosecutor who demoted 52% of felonies to misdemeanors in 2022.

In reaction to Pelosi’s stunning tweet, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, tweeted: “Pelosi confirms malicious political prosecution by suggesting Trump is guilty until proven innocent!”

Gerry Callahan, writer and of host of “The Gerry Callahan Show,” tweeted: “Holy sh**. Someone has to tell this hag that no one has to PROVE THEIR INNOCENCE in America. At least that’s how it worked for the first 240 years. Then Trump came along and broke their brains.”

What exactly is Trump accused of again? Well, as explained by attorney and law professor Jonathan Turley, it seems like it will be a “legally pathetic” case that defies precedent by claiming that an alleged hush money payment to a porn star was really a political expenditure, not a personal expense, that ran afoul of the law. If that seems like political chicanery to you, it’s because it would be and would lead to far more volatile politics in America. As Turley said on Fox News, “Donald Trump may be the first former president to be indicted, but if this is the precedent, he won’t be the last.”

It certainly seems America is heading in that direction.

When the most powerful woman in Washington doesn’t even bother to hide her blatant disregard for a cornerstone of America’s justice system — innocent until proven guilty — then it is plain as day that this case is rotten to its core —as if you needed any more evidence.

SIGN THE PETITION: 100,000 Signatures to FREE Trump →

Freedom of What? Michigan State Bans Trigger Language, Including the 'A' Word

Freedom of What? Michigan State Bans Trigger Language, Including the 'A' Word

Michigan State University (MSU) issued its latest style guide and Chairman Mao couldn’t be happier.

FACT-O-RAMA! There were 45 goals of communism entered into Congress in 1963. #17 states: “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”

The style guide is updated yearly and appears easily translatable from its original Chinese (that’s a joke… I think… ). The new additions are sure to annoy you—and brainwash your kids—who are forced to toss the 1st Amendment into the trash lest they “offend” the school’s incoming milksops.

The words are broken down into categories.

For instance, you could earn the labels racist, sexist, or ableist for spewing the following profanity:

  • cakewalk
  • tipping point
  • bonkers
  • rule of thumb

Apparently, MSU is expecting a wave of thumb-free students.

DIGIT-O-RAMA! Roughly 1 in 100,000 people are born with thumb ypoplasia, a deformed or missing thumb. MSU currently has 50,023 students. Odds are, they all have two, normal oops, unexceptional thumbs.

Winter is clearly a grim time for some snowflake students and MSU’s grinches have declared ye shall not blaspheme by using the following utterances:

  • merry
  • Christmas trees
  • wreaths

There’s more! The words “holly,” “reindeer,” “bells,” “bunnies,” (really??) “chicks,” “eggs,” (oh come ON) and “gifts” are also verboten.

The words “frontier and “pioneer” might offend a squaw, so don’t use them.

The word “terrorist” won’t be used as it might offend the terrorist who shot eight people at MSU in February of this year.

Black Is the New Black

MSU has decided what to call the humans formerly known as “African Americans.”

Black vs. African American

Although “Black” and “African American” are often used interchangeably to describe people of African descent in the U.S., current best practice is to use “Black” rather than “African American” whenever identity preferences are unknown. As always, follow a person’s preference in how they want to be identified. For example: Black, African American, Afro-Latino, Caribbean American.

Use Black as an adjective in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense (e.g., “Black authors”). Never use it as a standalone noun (e.g., “a Black”).

Capitalize the “b” in “Black.” This is a recent change among many news organizations, such as The Associated Press and The New York Times. This is a change that many people have sought for years to better represent a shared culture rather than just a skin tone.

Needless to say, the MSU harpies have again thrown women under the bus. The harridans demand its soldiers students avoid using vulgarisms such as “women,” “pregnant women,” and “mothers.” Instead, they are forced to use the words “people who can become pregnant,” “pregnant people,” and “patients.”

More Insane Changes

Fat kids are now “students of size.” I’m not kidding.

Illegal immigrants are now “aspiring citizens.”

Girlfriends/boyfriends are now “partners.”

The style guide commie manifesto goes on for days. The change that steams my clams the most is this one: students are told not to use the word “America.”

IMPORTANT REMINDER-O-RAMA!  Commie goal #17 states: “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.” PLEASE TELL ME YOU SEE THIS.

What Have We Learned?

BREAKING: DC Circuit Court of Appeals Blocks Judge Chutkan’s Order Doxxing DOGE Workers

Judge Tanya Chutkan The DC Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday temporarily blocked Judge Tanya Chutkan’s  order  doxxing DOGE workers. Ear...